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  3. Searching, Sets and Recent items

Full Search Options

The Full Search allows for a thorough and specific search of the system. For an overview of the Full Search and its uses, see: Full Search.

This article describes the options available when using the Full Search and contains the following sections:

  1. Search Options
  2. Search Result Options

1. Search Options

Reference Date

Some searches enable you to change the date that is used to reference information in the system. By default, it is set to Today but you can change it to a Specific Date, enabling you to search historically.

All or Any of the Following Apply

These options dictate whether the search results must meet all or only some of the search terms entered.

  • All of the Following Apply - When selected the search will return results where all the specified criteria are met.
  • Any of the Following Apply - When selected the search will return results where any of the specified criteria are met.

Change and Specify Search Criteria

You can change and / or specify the search criteria by altering or editing the existing fields.

To change criteria either:

  • Use the drop-down option to find and select the relevant criteria field.
  • Start typing the criteria you are looking for. The criteria must already exist in the system.

To specify the parameters for the criteria search:

  • Use the drop-down to select the relevant parameter from the list of options available for that criteria.
  • Depending on your criteria and parameters, type or select the search term into the final field.

Add or Remove Criteria

As well as changing or specifying criteria, you can also add or remove them.

To add:

  1. Click Add Criteria, adding a blank row to your search. 
  2. Use the drop-down to select the new criteria you want to add.
  3. Set the parameters for the criteria.

To remove:

  1. Click the X to the right of the criteria row you want to delete.


  • An Error will occur if a search is attempted with empty criteria name fields. Before searching, remove any empty criteria you may have added e.g. the last row removed in the video above.

2. Search Result Options 

The following options are available from the search results:

New Search Click this button to go back to the Search screen retaining your criteria.
Records Displayed Count Shows you how many results are being displayed on the current page and how many results have been returned in total.
Page Count If more than one page of records is returned, you can click on the left/right arrows to move to the other pages.
Number of Results per Page By default the number of results on a page is 25. To change this click on the drop-down and select a different option.
Actions... Using this drop-down you can:
  • Add 'All' or 'Checked' results to a new or saved set
  • Export all results to a spreadsheet
  • Create a Scheduled Export of this search (saved searches only)
Check All / Uncheck All Checking the box in the banner at the top will select all results on that page, unchecking the box will deselect all checked results on that page.
Criteria The Search Criteria and Reference Date (if applicable) are displayed above the search results and are read-only. To edit these fields, click New Search.


  • All of the "Actions..." options apply to all pages not just the current page.
  • You can also check search results individually.

For more information about searching, see: