Compensation Items

When setting up the Compensation area of the system, Compensation Items should be set up for each type of remuneration that you company offers, e.g. Salary and Bonus.

This article explains how to add a Compensation Item Type in Cezanne and contains the following sections:

  1. 'BASE' Compensation Item
  2. 'BONUS' Compensation Item
  3. Adding a new Compensation Item


  • Once you have added Compensation Items, you can add Compensation records for employees. For more information, see: Compensation.

1. 'BASE' Compensation Item

The analytics and merge fields in Cezanne only use the Compensation Item with the code 'BASE'. Therefore, make sure that the Compensation Item you want to use with analytics and merge fields has the code 'BASE'.

2. 'BONUS' Compensation Item

The bonus merge fields in Cezanne only use the Compensation Item with the code 'BONUS'. Therefore, make sure that the Bonus Compensation Item you want to use for merge fields has the code 'BONUS'.

3. Adding a new Compensation Item

Navigate to: Administration >> Compensation Items >> Add New Compensation Item

  1. Enter a Comp Item Name (This will be displayed on the Compensation Details screen).
  2. Select a Compensation Type. For more information, see: Compensation Type.
  3. Enter a Comp Item Code.
  4. Select the Sort Order.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description.
  6. Select a Comp Item Type.
  7. Select a Pay Period.
  8. (Optional) Choose whether this is a One-off item.
  9. (Optional) Choose whether to mark the item as Closed.
  10. (Optional) Enter Comments.
  11. Click Save.


  • Once a Comp Item Type is saved, the Compensation Type, Pay Period and One-off options cannot be changed.
  • If One-off is ticked, the Annual fields will not be displayed on the Compensation Details screen.