Line Managers Can Edit Subordinates' Overtime

To enable Line Managers to edit Overtime records for their subordinates within Cezanne HR, the Line Managers Can Edit Subordinates' Overtime option must be ticked for the associated Absence Plan Type.

  • Absences >> Absence Plan Types >> Absence Plan Type Details >> Time Off In Lieu Settings (TOIL)


  • Regardless of whether this option is ticked or not, Line Managers can still approve the overtime requests that are forwarded to them from workflow.
  • If Self Service users are not able to Make Overtime Requests, it is most likely because the Employees Can Make Absence Requests check box is not ticked.
This article explains how this option works and contains the following sections:
  1. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinates' Overtime = Not Ticked
  2. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinates' Overtime = Ticked
  3. Screen Affected

1. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinates' Overtime = Not Ticked

Line Managers see a greyed out record when viewing Overtime records for their subordinates:

2. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinates' Overtime = Ticked

Line Managers are able to edit and save Overtime records for their subordinates:

3. Screen Affected

  • My Team >> Holiday & Absence >> Absence