The Manage Activities Manually option enables the available activities that an employee can add to their timesheet to be restricted by HR Professionals and their Line Manager. This could be useful if you only want an employee to see one project and not have access to the others. This article shows how this option works and contains the following sections:
1. Manage Activities Manually = NOT TICKED
If the Manage Activities Manually option is not ticked, the employee will be able to choose any timesheet activity from any project to add to their Timesheet.
- Search for an employee and navigate to: Time Recording >> Timesheet Activities:

2. Manage Activities Manually = TICKED
If the Manage Activities Manually option is ticked, you can choose which activities an employee can search for and add to their Timesheet.
- Search for an employee and navigate to: Time Recording >> Timesheet Activities:

- To make an Activity available for the employee, add that Activity to the activities list on this screen.