'Sickness' Widget

This widget displays a list of all the Sickness analytics totals for the current year:


  • Click the title of any analytic to load the screen for that analytic.


The following table contains a description about each analytic in the list:

Analytic Description
Total No. of Sick Employees Number of employees within your organisation who have been absent through sickness at least once in the current calendar year (Jan - Dec).
Sickness Ind. Frequency Rate % Rate that measures the proportion of the workforce within your organisation that has been or will be absent through sickness for at least once in the current calendar year (Jan - Dec).
Total No. of Sickness Events Number of all sickness events within your organisation in the current calendar year (Jan - Dec).
Working Time Lost to Sickness Total amount of working time lost (e.g. Days) due to sickness within your organisation in the current calendar year (Jan - Dec).
Average Sickness Duration per Sick Employee Average sickness duration (in Time Units e.g. Days) per sick employee within your organisation in the current calendar year (Jan - Dec).
Average Sickness Event Duration Average sickness duration (in Time Units e.g. Days) within your organisation in the current calendar year (Jan - Dec).
Average No. of Sickness Events per Sick Employee Average number of sickness events per sick employee within your organisation in the current calendar year (Jan - Dec).
Average Bradford Factor Average Bradford Factor within your organisation for the 52 weeks prior to and including the current date.