This option allows you to copy one of the previous 4 weeks time entered to another week making it easier to fill in a Timesheet if you spend time doing similar activities from week-to-week.
This article shows how this functionality operates when this option is ticked and how to copy a previous week's timesheet.
It contains the following sections:
1. Allow 'Copy a Previous Week' = Ticked
Navigate to: Time >> Timesheet Plan Type >> Timesheet Plan Type Details.

If the option is ticked, the Copy a Previous Week button is added to employees' timesheets.
To use this option open a timesheet by navigating to: People >> Time Recording >> Timesheets.
1. Click on the Copy a Previous Week button.

2. Choose which week to copy the time from (you may choose from the previous 4 weeks).

3. The time, activities and any comments from the chosen previous week will replace any details on the Timesheet.