If you are using both the Absences and Time modules it is possible to automatically calculate an employee's holiday entitlement based on their timesheet data. This is most commonly used for casual contract workers.
To enable this functionality you must tick the linking options for all of the following:
1. Timesheet Plan Type
The Link With Absence Time Worked checkbox must be ticked on a Timesheet Plan Type (Time >> Timesheet Plan Types >> Timesheet Plan Type Details).

2. Project Activities
The Link With Absence Time Worked checkbox must be ticked on Project Activities (Time >> Projects>> Project Activities).

3. Absence Plan Type
The following Absence Plan Type settings are required:
- Link With Timesheets - If you tick this option the Absence Plan will link to a Timesheet Plan that also has the option ticked.
- Start Linking Timesheet From* - Select when to start linking with a Timesheet Plan, we recommend you choose a date that is after any manually entered Time Worked records. The date will default to the Monday of the selected week.
- Working Day Hours* - Determines how many hours are in an average day for all employees on the plan. This option is only displayed if the absence plan's Time Units is in Days.

For more information about how this automatic entitlement functionality works, see: Time Worked.