Display Clock In / Out at top of Timesheets

The Display Clock In / Out at top of Timesheets option enables the hours that an employee records by clocking in / out on a day to be displayed as a guide on their Duration Timesheet.

This article explains how this option works and contains the following sections:
  1. Display Clock In / Out at top of Timesheets = Ticked
  2. Display Clock In / Out at top of Timesheets = Not Ticked

1. Display Clock In / Out at top of Timesheets = Ticked

When ticked, Clock In / Clock Out times are displayed at the top of the timesheet. Although Clock In / Clock Out times are entered in hours and minutes, the total clock in / out times are converted to decimal values to match the Duration timesheet.


  • If the option is ticked, then 0.00 time will display above days on the timesheet, even if a person isn't enrolled on a Clock In / Clock Out plan.
  • 0.00 will display even for days where a person has logged in but not logged out etc.
  • The time from rejected Clock In / Clock Out records is displayed and counted the same as time hasn't been rejected.
  • The Clock In / Clock Out times are only displayed; there is no interaction with the Timesheet times or validation. The time is just displayed read-only for reference.
  • Time that starts on one day and ends in another is displayed for the day it started in.
  • The option can be turned on or off at any time. When it's On, all Duration timesheets including historic ones, will display the Clock In / Clock Out times.

2. Display Clock In / Out at top of Timesheets = Not Ticked

When this option is not ticked, an employee's Clock In / Clock Out totals are not displayed at the top of their timesheet.