'Upcoming Events (with Filters)' Widget

The Upcoming Events (with Filters) widget enables users to see a timeline of events that are happening within the organisation over the next 14 days and filter who is displayed.


  • This widget can only be made available for HR Professional and Line Manager users.

This article explains how to use the Upcoming Events (with Filters) widget and contains the following sections:

  1. Overview
  2. Setting Up Permissions
  3. Available Event Types

1. Overview

The widget has two display options, Card View and List View. In each view, the employee name and event type are displayed on each card / list item, with a colour that indicates the category of the event. Clicking on the chevron on each card / list item will navigate you to the relevant screen in the employee's record.

It is also possible for a user to control which employee's events display using three filter groups: 'Myself', 'My Direct Subordinates' and 'My Indirect Subordinates'. This lets users have control over the display of the widget view. 

Card View

List View

Filtering the Widget

The widget can be filtered to display:

  • Myself
  • My Direct Subordinates
  • My Indirect Subordinates


  • The three filter groups will only be available on the widget if they are switched ON for a user's calendar.
  • The 'My Indirect Subordinates' filter group is unticked by default on the widget.

For more information about switching filter groups ON / OFF on a user's calendar, please see Calendar Filters.

The widget can also be filtered to show events for:

  • 14 Days
  • 7 Days
  • Today

2. Setting Up Permissions

Making the Widget Available to Different Security Roles


  • This section is only applicable to HR Professional and Line Manager users.

To be able to add the Upcoming Events widget to the Home Dashboard, it must first be switched on for each Security Role in Security Role Permissions.

To switch this on:

1. Navigate to: Administration >> Security Roles >> >> Select Security Role >> Security Role Permissions  >> Widgets Tab.
2. Scroll to Upcoming Events (with Filters) and switch it ON.
3. Click Save.

Event Type Availability 

It is possible to configure the availability of Event Types on this widget for different security roles. For example, you may only want Line Managers to see when there are Birthdays and Employment Anniversaries and not when a Return to Work Interview is due for their subordinates.

Navigate to: Administration >> Security Settings >> Upcoming Events.

1. Select the Category of event.
2. Select the Event Type you want to edit.
3. Turn ON / OFF for each Security Role.
4. Once you have completed the permissions for all of the Event Types you want to edit, click Save.


  • The 'Widget Description' listed in the slide over is how the Event Type will be displayed on the widget.

3. Available Event Types


Event Type Description on Widget Date Field
Maternity Ending Maternity Ending Maternity Absence Event >> Expected / Actual Maternity Leave End Date
Paternity Ending Paternity Ending Paternity Absence Event >> Expected / Actual Paternity Leave End Date
Sickness Check-up Call Sickness Check-up Call Sickness Absence Event >> Sickness Details >> Scheduled Check-up Call
Sickness Fit Note Expiring Fit Note Expiring Sickness Absence Event >> Sickness Details >> Expiry Date
Sickness Return To Work Interview Return To Work Interview Sickness Absence Event >> Sickness Details >> Interview Date
TOIL Expiring TOIL Expiring TOIL Record >> TOIL Expiry


Event Type Description on Widget Date Field
Address Starting Address Starting People >> Personal Information >> Contact Details >> Addresses >> Effective From
Birthday Birthday People >> Personal Information >> Date of Birth
Contract Ending Contract Ending People >> Employment >> Employment Details >> Contract History >> Effective To
Deployment Cost Centre Starting Cost Centre Starting People >> Deployment >> Cost Centres >> Effective From
Deployment Job Starting Job Starting People >> Deployment >> Jobs >> Effective From
Deployment Location Starting Location Starting People >> Deployment >> Locations >> Effective From
Deployment Org Unit / Position Starting Org Unit / Position Starting People >> Deployment >> Org Unit / Positions >> Effective From
Disciplinary Event Follow-up Disciplinary Follow-up People >> Discipline & Grievances >> Discipline & Grievances >> Disciplinary Events >> Follow-up Date
Employment Anniversary Emp. Anniversary People >> Employment >> Employment Details >> Original Hire Date
Inventory Item Allocation Ending Inventory Item Ending People >> Additional Information >> Inventory Items >> Effective To
Leaver Leaver People >> Employment >> Employment Details >> Termination Date
Legal Identifier Expiring Legal ID Expiring People >> Personal Information >> Identification >> Legal Identifiers >> Effective To
New Hire New Hire People >> Employment >> Employment Details >> Hire Date
Probation Ending Probation Ending People >> Employment >> Employment Details >> Probation Period To
or if the Probation Extended To field is populated then that date field will be used.
Working Time Pattern Starting Working Time Starting People >> Employment >> Working & Scheduled Time >> Effective From


Event Type Description on Widget Date Field
Check-in Date Check-in Date People >> Performance >> Check-ins >> Check-in Date
Goal Target Due Goal Target Due People >> Performance >> Goals >> Target Date


Event Type Description on Widget Date Field
Development Activity Renewal Dev. Activity Renewal People >> Training >> Development Activities >> Renewal Date
Professional Qualification Renewal Prof. Qual. Renewal People >> Skills & Qualifications >> Skills & Qualifications >> Professional Qualifications >> Renewal Date