Setting Up Company Details

The first step you need to perform when setting up Cezanne is to insert the information regarding your Company.

This is a particularly important step when your Company is distributed (for example in different countries), and will enable you to view your companies' hierarchical structures.

This article explains how to set up Company Details and contains the following sections:

  1. Adding a New Company
  2. Setting Up Company Attributes
  3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Companies
  4. What is a Company Location?
  5. Closing a Primary Company Location

1. Adding a New Company

In order to add a new Company, you can follow a few simple steps:

  1. Navigate to: Administration >> Organisation >> Companies tab.
  2. Select the Add New Company button.
  3. Fill in the data related to your Company (Company Name, Company Code and the Effective dates are mandatory information).
  4. Save your new Company.

When saving your Company details, a Reports To record will also be created. For further details on reporting, consult the Setting up a Reports To relationship between Companies section.


  • Your Company information can also be added by using a data import. For more information, see: Companies Import.

2. Setting Up Company Attributes

Once you have inserted basic information related to your company (see Adding a new Company) you may also want to add further details related to Financial aspects, Tax references and Certifications.

In order to achieve this you can use the Company Attributes tab in the Company Details screen.


  • The Effective From and Effective To dates are mandatory fields.

3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Companies

Reporting relationships can be added and maintained using the Reports To tab of the Company Details screen. The Reports To tab supports historical data, enabling you to track changes in your company structure.

Setting up a hierarchy between Companies helps you to view information in an immediate and easy way. Once you have set up your Company reporting relationships using the Reports To tab, you will then be able to easily view your company structure in a Company Chart.

Set the Reports To field to the level above the one you are working on. If the Company is the top level one, or you do not have a hierarchical structure to set up, leave it blank.

3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Companies

4. What is a Company Location?

You can use the Company Locations screen to indicate one or more company locations. You can also set one of the locations as a Primary Location that will identify your company's main office.

You can easily save details related to the company address, contact numbers and legal information, regarding tax codes and key contacts for legal matters.


  • The Company Locations screen supports historical data.

5. Closing a Primary Company Location

If it is necessary to close the current Primary Company Location and open a new primary Company Location (e.g. for an office move), it will be necessary first to reallocate all the people deployed to the old location.

However, it will not be possible to mark the new location as primary until the old one is closed. Therefore, you must open the new Location initially as non-primary. After re-deploying all people to the new location, it will be possible to close the old location, and mark the new one as primary.