Bank Holidays

A Bank Holiday in Cezanne is an event that an employee takes off but does not deduct from their holiday entitlement (e.g. New Years Day). They display on an employee's Calendar and Annual Overview but not on their absence list.


Before adding public / bank holidays, you should refer to your employee contracts to determine whether you award entitlement plus public / bank holidays or an overall amount of entitlement (that includes public / bank holidays):

  1. If you award entitlement plus public / bank holidays, you should use this article to enter the public / bank holidays in the Bank Holidays tab.
  2. If you award an overall amount of entitlement, you should enter the public / bank holidays as Compulsory Events.

This article explains the two ways that Bank Holidays can be added to an Absence Calendar in Cezanne. It contains the following sections:

  1. Adding a Bank Holiday Manually
  2. Importing Bank Holidays from the Library

1. Adding a Bank Holiday Manually

Navigate to: Administration >> Other >> Calendars >> Select a Calendar

  1. Select the Bank Holidays tab.
  2. Click Add New at the bottom of the screen.
1. Select the date of the new Bank Holiday.
2. Choose Public Holiday as the Absence Type.
3. Select the relevant Absence Reason.
4. Select a Day Part (this will usually be Full Day).
5. Click the tick in the left of the column and then Add New at the bottom of the screen to add any more.
6. Click Save at the top of the screen once all your public holidays have been added.

2. Importing Bank Holidays from the Library


  • The library contains public holidays for 200+ countries.

Navigate to: Administration >> Other >> Calendars >> Select a Calendar.

  1. Select the Bank Holidays tab.
  2. Click on the Bank Holiday Library button.
  1. Choose the Calendar Country
  2. Choose the specific Year that you want to add them for.
  3. (Optional) Choose your Region.
  4. Select the Absence Type that you want these to be added as (e.g. Public Holiday).
  5. Tick all of the Bank Holidays you want to add to this calendar.
  6. Select Import.


  • You never need to use the Publish button when adding or editing Bank Holidays.
  • If an employee books an absence that spans a Bank Holiday, no time is deducted for that day.
  • Bank Holidays can be configured as full or half day events.
  • Absence Reasons can be configured using the relevant type and picklist. For more information, see: Adding an Absence Type.