Compulsory Events

A Compulsory Event in Cezanne is an automatically assigned Absence Event that an employee must take off and must also deduct from their holiday entitlement (e.g. a company closes down for one week every year and makes its employees take the time off as holiday).


  • If your employees must take public / bank holidays out of their accrued holiday entitlement, you should use this article to set up bank holidays as Compulsory Events.
  • A Compulsory Event will only be added if its Type matches an assigned Absence Plan Type. This means you can assign different types of Compulsory Events to the same calendar and they will only be published to a plan with the same assigned Absence Type.
    • E.g., an employee could have two concurrent holiday plans (as is often the case in Italy), and some Compulsory Events can be published to one plan and some to the other.

This article explains how to add a Compulsory Event and publish it to your employee's absence calendars and contains the following sections:

  1. Adding a Compulsory Event Manually
  2. Importing Compulsory Events from the Library
  3. Publishing Compulsory Events

1. Adding a Compulsory Event Manually

Navigate to: Administration >> Other >> Calendars >> Select Calendar >> Compulsory Events tab.

1. Select Add New.
1. Adding a Compulsory Event Manually
2. Select the Effective From and Effective To dates of the event.
3. Choose the relevant Absence Type.
4. Select the relevant absence Reason.
5. Select when the Event Commences and Finishes.
6. Click the tick in the left of the column and then Add New at the bottom of the screen to add any more:
7. Click Save at the top of the screen:
  • You will receive the following prompt if any employees are already assigned to the calendar:

2. Importing Compulsory Events from the Library

If your employees must take bank / public holidays out of their accrued holiday entitlement, you can use the Library to import bank holidays as Compulsory Events.


  • The library contains public holidays for 200+ countries.

    Navigate to: Administration >> Other >> Calendars >> Select Calendar >> Compulsory Events tab

    1. Click on the Compulsory Event Library button at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Choose the Calendar Country and Year that you want to add Bank Holidays for.
    3. (Optional) Select your Region.
    4. Select the Absence Type that you want these to be added as (e.g. Holiday).
    5. Tick all of the Bank Holidays you want to add to this calendar.
    6. Select Import.

    3. Publishing Compulsory Events

    3. Publishing Compulsory Events

    If you receive the above warning message (108220) when saving any Compulsory Events changes, click Publish at the top of the screen.

    For more information, see: Publishing an Absence Calendar.


    • The Duration field will calculate automatically after you click Save.
    • Absence Reasons can be configured using the relevant type and picklist. For more information, see: Adding an Absence Type.