Publishing an Absence Calendar

The Publish button on the Absence Calendar screen is used to publish Compulsory Events changes to all employees assigned to that specific calendar.

Administration >> Calendars >> Calendar Details

Clicking the Publish button will only have an effect in the following scenarios:

  • A new Compulsory Event is added.
  • An existing Compulsory Event is edited.
  • An existing Compulsory Event is deleted.
  • A Compulsory Event is edited or deleted from an employee's absence plan.

Clicking the Publish button will have no effect in the following scenarios:

  • There are no employees assigned to the calendar.
  • There are employees assigned to the calendar, but they are not enrolled on an accruable absence plan.
  • The calendar has no compulsory events assigned to it.
  • You add, edit or delete a Bank Holiday record.
  • You change the Business Hours, Description or Name of the calendar.


  • The Sync with Calendar button on an employee's Absence Plans screen works exactly the same. However, it only synchronises the relevant calendar(s)' compulsory events with the selected Person's accruable absence plans.
  • The Publish Absence Calendars process works exactly the same. However, it publishes all calendars at the same time.