The Career Plan Report contains an overview of the employee's Career and Succession plan. It displays:
- Potential Rating
- Performance Rating
- Next Planned Moves
- Individual Preferred Moves
- Job / Position Candidacies
Navigate to: People >> Select a Person >> Career & Succession >> Career Plan Report.
This article explains what is displayed on the report and contains the following sections:
1. Profile Section
The Profile Section gives a summary of the main Performance, Potential, Development and Employment about an employee.
The following information is displayed:
- At Risk - Displayed if ticked on the Performance & Potential Screen.
- High Potential - Displayed if ticked on the Performance & Potential Screen.
- Potential - The Potential Rating specified on the Performance & Potential screen / Talent Matrix.
- Performance - The Performance Rating specified on the Performance & Potential screen / Talent Matrix.
- Talent Pool - The Talent Pool the employee is in.
- Org Unit - The Primary Org Unit Deployment for the employee.
- Company - The Primary Company for the employee.
- Location - The Primary Location for the employee.
- Job - The Primary Job Deployment for the employee.
- Supervisor - The Primary Supervisor for the employee.
- Time in Role - The length of the employee's Primary Deployment record.
- Continuous Service - The length of the employee's Primary Employment record.
- Planned Replacement - The next intended move date for the employee. (Click Reason to view the Replacement Reason)
- Mobility - The employee's preferred area to be located. (Click View Details to see more information about an employee's mobility)
- Progression Readiness - An estimation of when the employee will be ready to progress.
- Development - The amount of Development Activities assigned to an employee in the last 12 months. (Click the number to see more information)

2. Candidacies and Moves Section
The Candidacies and Moves section gives a summary of current Job / Position Succession records, Next Planned Moves and Individual Preferred Moves for an employee.
The following information is displayed:
- Candidacies - Ticking this option will display any Job or Position Candidate records for an employee. (The colour indicates which arrow relates to this option)
- Planned - Ticking this option will display any Next Planned Move records for an employee. (The colour indicates which arrow relates to this option)
- Preferred - Ticking this option will display any Individual Preferred Move records for an employee. (The colour indicates which arrow relates to this option)
- Job / Position Title - The Job or Position Title of the record.
- Multiple Candidates - Click this to see the other successors for the position / job.
- Priority - The Priority of this employee in this position / job succession.
- Readiness - An estimation of when the employee will be ready to progress into this position / job.
- Incumbent(s) - Displays the current incumbent of the position / job. If this displays 'Multiple', click to view a list of the incumbents.

Sort Order
The positions / jobs listed will be displayed based on the following sort order:
If two or more positions / jobs match one of the sort orders above, the following sort order will be used:
- Priority
- Readiness
- Alphabetical
3. Deployment History Section
The Deployment History section gives a summary of all past, present and future Jobs / Positions for an employee.
The following information is displayed:
- Job Name / Position Title - The name / title of the Job / Position.
- Org Unit (Positions only) - The Org Unit name associated with the Position record.
- Primary - Displays if this is a Primary Position / Job deployment record.

Available Move Types
- New Hire
- Internal
- Planned
- Preferred
- Successor