Performance Dashboard

This article lists the available widgets on the Performance dashboard and includes links to further information on each widget.

Widget Description
Appraisal Searches Appraisal Searches.
Average Objective Achievement % by Category Average percentage of Objective Targets achieved for each Objective Category.
Key Competencies Average Score Average Score of Key Competencies (those marked as "must be scored").
Objective Achievement % Distribution No. of Objectives reviewed, grouped by their Target % achieved.
Objectives Assigned and Scored The percentage of total available time within your organisation that has been taken as absence per month, for the current calendar year (Jan-Dec).
Overall Score Distribution No. of Reviews for each Rating Value.
Performance Process Counts Counts of the active and closed process flows and processes within the performance category.
Performance Setup Performance Setup.
Running Performance Processes by Stage Proportion of Performance Processes by their Current Stage.