The Approval History screen displays the history of status changes for an absence event and the time the status changed.

This article explains how to use the Approval History and contains the following sections:
- Viewing the Approval History of an Absence Event
- Changing the Status of an Absence Event
- Available Statuses
1. Viewing the Approval History of an Absence Event
Navigate to: People >> Holiday & Absences >> Absence Plans:
1. Search for and select the employee whose absence request you want to check.2. Click to open the relevant absence plan.

3. Select the Absences tab.
4. Click on the absence

5. Select Approval History.

2. Changing the Status of an Absence Event
If an Absence Event has been approved and the process has finished, it is possible to change the status from the Approval History screen.
1. Click Change Status.
2. Select an Absence Status.
3. If the person approving the status change is not you, select the required approver in the Approved By field. If you are approving, leave this field blank.
4. Click the Tick icon to save.