Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets

The Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets option on a Timesheet Plan Type grants Line Managers editing capabilities on their subordinate's timesheets that are similar to those of an HR Professional.

This article explains how this option affects Line Managers when ticked and when unticked:

  1. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets = TICKED
  2. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets = NOT TICKED


  • This option can be useful if you want a Line Manager to have permission to change a subordinate's timesheets outside of the Timesheet Authorisation Process Flow.

1. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets = TICKED

When this option is ticked, Line Managers can edit a subordinate's timesheets without an active Timesheet Authorisation Process, or after one has been completed.

Line Managers are free to edit and update subordinate timesheets via the following:

1. Adding activities
2. Copying a previous week
3. Entering subordinate's hours worked for activities
4. Deleting activities from the timesheet
5. Deleting the timesheet
6. Changing the status of a timesheet
    • When a Line Manager clicks on the History button, the Timesheet Approval History pop-up will open with the Change Status button:


  • If a timesheet is in the stages of the Timesheet Authorisation Process, Line Managers will not be able to freely edit the timesheet unless it is in their stage within the process.
  • Line Managers will only be able to freely edit the timesheet again once the process has completed all of its stages.

2. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets = NOT TICKED  

When this option is not ticked, Line Managers can only edit a subordinate's timesheets through a Timesheet Authorisation Process. For more information, see: Timesheet Authorisation Process.

Outside of a process, they will be able to view a read-only version of a subordinate's timesheets, but not make any changes:

Clicking the History button will open up a read-only version of the Timesheet Approval History pop-up. The Change Status button will not be displayed: