Add New User

This article explains how to add individual users to the system and is a guide through the 5 different tabs you may need to go through to add your new user.

An active user is different to an active employee. An employee will have to have an active user account to log in and access to the system. The user are granted different access according to the security role they are assigned.

Navigate to: Administration >> Users >> Add New User


This article contains the following sections:
  1. User Details
  2. User Options
  3. Two-Step Verification
  4. Single Sign-On
  5. Authorised Applications
  6. Notifications

1. User Details

The User details is the first tab where you can enter the new users person details and their account information.

Person Details

1. To add an Internal User leave slider ON. You can also add an External User, just change the Internal User slider to OFF.
    • Internal User - This is a user that is associated with a person record in Cezanne. An Internal User can be configured to be any of the four available Security Roles. Self-Service and Line Manager Users must be Internal. You will have to search for an employee to add a new user.
    • External User - This a user who is not associated with a record in Cezanne. External Users can only be HR Professional or Restricted HR Professional Users. You will have to add this users first name and surname.

2. Person Name* - Either Search for an employee that is already the system (internal user) or type your new users name (external user).

3. E-mail*- Enter the user's e-mail address.

Account Information

4. Username* - The E-mail address is auto-filled in the Username section. We recommend keeping this as the Username to ensure it is unique in our system.
5. Password* - Type a password that corresponds with your companies password policies. The user will be prompted to change it when they first log in. For more information, see: Password Policies.
    • A user can reset their own password by clicking 'Forgotten your Password?' on the login screen.

6. Security Role* - Select the Security Role type that you want the user account to be set up with. All security roles have at least the minimum access of a self-service user to the system.


  • Restricted HR Professionals do not have the same access to users' and employees' information as HR Professionals, who have no restrictions. Restricted HR Profs can only see certain people and have access to certain functions and processes.
  • To change their defualt accessibility you can change their security role permissions. For more information, see: Security Role Permissions.
  • You can also add your own custom security role. For more information, see: Add New Security Role.
7. Active Account
  • Tick this checkbox to make your user active, you may need to tick this again after re-hiring an employee as well.
  • If unticked, the user is inactive and will not be able to log into their account, the system will automatically untick the checkbox when someone is made a leaver.
8. Force Password Change on Next Login
  • Tick this checkbox to force the user to change their password when they log in, after that it will untick itself.
  • This checkbox cannot be ticked if the Cannot Change Password checkbox is ticked.
9. Cannot Change Password Tick this checkbox to prohibit the user from changing their password.
10. Password Never Expires  We recommend keeping this unticked, as a password that never expires may cause security issues.
11. Session Timeout (minutes) This ranges from 5 to 120 and will automatically log the user out if there is no activity detected for the specified amount of time.
12. Two-Step Verification
  • Uses two means of verification for extra security when logging in, this can either be enabled or disabled.
  • For more information, see: Two-step Verification.
13. Click Save.


  • To search for an inactive user and reactivate an employee's user account make sure you remove the 'Is Active' search criteria, tick the Active Account checkbox and re-send the Welcome E-mail so they can log in again.
  • For more information, see: Re-Send Welcome E-mail

2. User Options

The User Options allows you to change the language, country and time settings. Navigate to the User Options tab.

1. Language - Pick a from a list of 10 Languages to display the system in.
2. Picklist Language - Should normally be set to the same as the Language option. It controls what language you see entries in within drop-down menus.
3. Formatting Style - Pick a language that can be used to format dates and numbers independently of language. For more information, see: Formatting Style.
4. Country - Pick from a list of 8 countries.  Changing this option has no effect. It is used to determine your original settings when you receive the system.
5. Time Zone - Changing this option will impact on the times you receive notifications.

3. Two-Step Verification

Two-step verification adds an extra layer of security to your account on top of your username and password. In Cezanne, two-step verification works by using something you know (your Cezanne password) and something you have (your mobile device or e-mail) as two means of identification.

For more information, see: Two-Step Verification.


  • If you want to use Two-step verification, ensure it has been enabled in the User Details tab.

4. Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a term used to describe a family of technologies that allow users to access a variety of services using a single username and password. Cezanne can be linked to your Facebook, Google, Twitter etc to allow a quicker log in.

The example below shows a user account that is linked to GSuite. (To configure the SSO services, navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Security Settings >> Single Sign-On)

SSO can be configured in the settings. For more information, see: Single Sign-On Options in Cezanne.

1. To add a new SAML 2.0 Identifier, click Add New.
2. Choose an Identity Provider and type in the User Identifier.
3. Click Save.

5. Authorised Applications

This tab shows the applications Cezanne has authorised to be integrated with the system. These may include In-Recruiting.

Initially, it will appear to be empty but after saving your user it will automatically create the necessary applications.

We recommend leaving this screen as it is. If you think you may need to change anything on it please contact your IT support team or our Support Team:

User Settings - - Cezanne OnDemand - Opera

6. Notifications

1. Notification E-mail Delivery Preference: Choose whether to receive notification e-mails individually (Send Separate) or as a group (Send a Daily Digest). If you select Daily Digest, you may still receive some e-mails individually for some types of notification.
2. Digest Notification Time: Enables you to choose the time that you want to receive the Daily Digest (which will contain all notifications for the 24 hours preceding the specified time).
3. Opt Out of All Notifications - Tick this option if you do not want this user to receive any system notifications or notification e-mails.


  • You cannot stop notification relating to Workspaces that the user is a member of.