In Cezanne, Kudos is an employee recognition tool that allows employees to highlight each other's hard work and celebrate their achievements with team members, or the wider organisation.
Key Kudos features include:
- The ability to write custom Kudos messages and award them to individual employees.
- Visibility settings for each Kudos post.
- Kudos Categories to organise posts into different types of recognition.
- A filterable Kudos Timeline.
- The ability to comment on Kudos posts.
Kudos can be viewed and given on the Kudos Timeline and in the Custom Feeds widget on the Home Dashboard, and can also be given via the Contacts List depending on configuration settings.
This article gives an overview of Kudos in the following sections:
1. The Kudos Timeline
The Kudos Timeline is the main Kudos screen in the system. If enabled for a user, all the Kudos they have visibility access to will be displayed on the Timeline.
- Their Category badge.
- The picture and name of the Recipient in bold.
- The name of the user who gave the Kudos.
- The Kudos message and whether it has any comments (if a Kudos has comments a speech bubble icon will be displayed).
- The date the Kudos was given.
2. The year of the Kudos posts being displayed. To load Kudos for previous years, use the arrows to move between different years.
3. Kudos are organised by the month they were sent in. Months can be collapsed to make it easier to find older Kudos posts.Switching the Timeline on for different Security Roles
To switch on the Kudos screen for different security roles:
1. Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Security Roles >> Select a Security Role >> Security Role Permissions.
2. Giving Kudos
To give Kudos from the Timeline, Widget or Contacts list:
1. Click the Give Kudos button.
3. Select the Visibility from the drop down to set who will be able to view the Kudos message:
- All - every employee with a user account in the system will be able to view the Kudos.
- Recipient - the Kudos will only be visible to the Kudos Recipient.
- Recipient's Company - the Kudos will be visible to the whole Company of the Recipient, but blocked from anyone outside their Company.
- Recipient's Org Unit - the Kudos will be visible to the Recipient's Org Unit but blocked from anyone outside it.
- Recipient's Team - the Kudos will only be visible to the Recipient and their subordinates within their team (this setting only applies to Line Managers with reports, for Self Service users, only the Recipient will have visibility to the Kudos).
4. Type in your Kudos message.
- If you want to add an emoji, click the Emoji button above the message field and click on one to add it into the message box.
5. Select a Category for the Kudos message.
6. Click Give Kudos.
Commenting on Kudos in the Timeline
To comment on a Kudos message:
1. Click on the Kudos post.2. Type into the new comment box.

- The comment will be posted but remain editable to the user who gave the comment:

- A comment bubble will display on posts with comments:

Switching on the Kudos search for all employees
To allow Line Managers and Self Service users to search for and add any employee as a Recipient, the Kudos - All Employees search should be switched on for their security role.
To do this for different security roles:
1. Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Security Roles >> Select a Security Role >> Security Role Permissions.
3. Receiving Kudos
Kudos Banner
When a user has received Kudos, a banner notification will automatically be generated and appear the next time they log into Cezanne. The banner will continue to be displayed until the user clicks View or Hide.
Clicking View will take the user to the Kudos Timeline where they can view and comment on the new Kudos message they have received.
Kudos Received Notification
A notification can be set up to alert users when a new Kudos has been posted. For more information on the notification and how to set it up, please see: Kudos Received Notification.
4. Kudos in the 'Custom Feeds' Widget
The 'Custom Feed' Widget allows you to display the Kudos Timeline on the Home Dashboard.

The widget allows you to:
Filter Kudos posts.
Comment on posts and view comments.
Give new Kudos using the Give Kudos button.
For more information on the widget and setting it up, see: 'Custom Feeds' Widget.