Welcome to the Compensation Planning module for Cezanne HR. This module allows you to manage your organisation's compensation reviews in one place, saving admin time across your business.
Other key benefits include:
- Configurable compensation plans, that can calculate budgets and spend automatically.
- Review happens separate to live compensation records.
- Compensation records are updated automatically in the system based on the signed off, planned awards.
- Supports more advanced features, such as multi-currency reviews, benchmarking (compa-ratio or range penetration) and suggested ranges.
This overview introduces the key components of the Compensation Planning Process.
Step One: Set-Up
The first key component of the Compensation Planning module is the Compensation Plan itself. The plan is used to set up and configure the various options within the review and establishes the main settings, such as Plan Type, Owner and Budget Type.
Plan Type
There are three types of Compensation Plan that you can choose from, depending on what you want to include in the review:
- Salary
- Bonus
- Salary and Bonus
The Owner of the Compensation Plan has full permission over the whole plan, with the ability to view and Sign-Off the Plan once all Review Groups have submitted their Worksheets. The Owner can be changed to any Active HR Professional or Restricted HR User within your system.
Budget Type
An important decision to make when creating your Compensation Plan is the Budget Type. This will determine how your Budget is calculated. It can either be calculated automatically using a percentage of each group member's salary or you can manually enter a budget amount for each Review Group that will add up to your Overall Budget.
Suggested Ranges (Optional)
As an advanced feature, Suggested Ranges are percentages based on your chosen criteria. They can be added to provide additional information during the Review stage of your Plan. For example, you can suggest a salary increase based on Performance ratings: Low Rating between 3% and 5% or High Rating between 8% and 10%.
Benchmarks (Optional)
As an advanced feature, Benchmarks can be added to use internal or external data to create salary bands based off of the market salary for an employee's job or position.
Review Groups
Another key component is Review Groups. The purpose of these are to set:
- The structure / order of the review.
- Who will be reviewing the salaries in the group (the Group Reviewer).
- Who is included in the review (Group Members).
To set up Review Groups, you will need to select how you would like to build the Group Hierarchy and Members as well as set Deadlines and Budgets for each Group.
Group Hierarchy & Members
The Group Hierarchy determines who will be the Group Reviewer and who will be Members of each Group.
The Hierarchy can be set up using one of three available options:
- Build Manually - You can select the Reviewers and Members for each Group individually, one group at a time. This allows you to create your own Group Hierarchy without having to strictly follow any of the company hierarchical structure.
- Build from Person - You can select a person within the organisation that you want to build a hierarchy from. Once you select the person, the system will populate groups and member data based off the direct and indirect reporting lines to that person using the selected 'Review Group Hierarchy' reference date, that was set on the Plan Details screen.
- Build from Org Unit - You can select an Org Unit within your organisation that you want to build a hierarchy from. Once you select the org unit, the system will populate groups and member data based off the reporting structure of that org unit on the selected 'Review Group Hierarchy' reference date, that was set on the Plan Details screen.
Deadlines allow you to establish clear time-frames and help prevent delays during the Review Process.
In the Compensation Planning module, deadlines can be set up by selecting the date that you want the plan to be completed by and the number of days each Review Tier should receive.
The system will then automatically calculate when the Review needs to start to ensure you meet the overall deadline.
Each Review Group has a budget, which contributes to the overall budget for the Compensation Plan. If you selected to set the budgets manually, then you need to go through each group and enter the budget manually. If you selected to calculate using percentages, you can set up percentages based on certain criteria and the system will automatically work out the budget based off the percentage increase for each member's projected salary increase.

Step Two: Review
Review & Sign-Off
The Review Process is the main component of your Compensation Plan. This is where the Group Reviewers will make their decisions on new awards for the members of their group. After the Review Process is completed, the plan also needs to be signed-off by the Owner.
Review Process
Once you start the Review Process, E-mails will be sent to your chosen Reviewers outlining when their group must be completed and submitted by.
An inbox task will be available once any groups below them in the hierarchy have been submitted to allow the reviewer to complete their Worksheet. This gives reviewers a chance to verify and validate compensation details for their group before they submit their review.
If they have any groups below them in the hierarchy, the reviewer will also be able to check and review any of the award decisions from the groups below them as part of their review.
Sign-Off from Owner
Once all Reviewers have completed and submitted their Worksheets, an E-mail will be sent to the Owner of the Compensation Plan informing them that it is ready for their final review before sign-off.
If happy with the completed Plan, the Owner will then need to Sign-Off. Once signed-off, the Compensation Plan will be completely locked down.

Step Three: Apply Awards
Apply Awards to Compensation Records
The final step in your Compensation Plan is to apply the awards that have been submitted. It is important to note that this is not an automatic process. This step needs to be started by the Owner in order for the new awards to be applied to the Review Group Members.
Once applied, the previous Compensation record will be closed off and the new Compensation record will be imported and will take effect from your chosen Effective From date, that was entered on the Plan Details screen.