The Bank Details screen in Cezanne enables sort codes and account numbers to be verified against a database of valid bank account numbers, leading to less mistakes with payroll.
The system enables verification of two different types of accounts:
- UK & IRE - Sort Code and Acc. No.
This article explains how to use the Bank Details Verification and contains the following sections:
1. How to Verify Bank Details
To verify Bank Details:
Navigate to: People >> Personal Information >> Bank Details.
- Select an existing record or click Add New.
- Choose a Verification Type (Depending on which type is chosen, certain fields become mandatory).
- Enter the required information for the selected type.
- Click Save.

If there are no errors, the Bank Details have been successfully verified and you will see this message at the top of the screen:

Additionally, the Bank Name, BIC / Swift Code and IBAN (for UK & IRE), will be filled in from the external database and be read-only.
If you receive an error, this means that the Bank Details were not verified successfully and you will see this message at the top of the screen:

This could be because there is a mistake in the Sort Code, Account Number or IBAN or that the bank account does not yet exist on the database.
2. 'Override Verification' Option for HR
If an employee's bank details are not verified, they will receive an error message which tells them to contact HR if they believe they are correct.
In this scenario, if they are sure that their Bank Details are correct but they are not verifying successfully, an HR Professional can override the verification by ticking the Override Verification checkbox and clicking Save.

This will then mean that the Bank Details are marked as verified so you can, for example, run reports to make sure all are verified each month before running payroll.
3. Notes
Bank Account Not Yet on EISCD Database
As the UK & IRE - Sort Code and Acc. No. database is updated weekly, it is possible that if an employee has just opened up a new account, the details will not be verified successfully. In this case, the details can be re-tried later by clicking the retry button and they should be verified within the week.
Supported Countries for IBAN Verification
To see an up-to-date list of supported IBAN countries for verification, see: Supported IBAN Countries (Once you access the link, scroll to section 6 of the article).