Exclude Sickness from Bradford Factor

The Bradford Factor is an industry-standard measurement of absenteeism through highlighting when employees take a high number of individual, short term sickness days. However, certain chronic health conditions should not be included in the Bradford Factor score as they are not short, individual unplanned events.

For more information about the calculation, see: The Bradford Factor.

This article explains how to exclude sickness events from Bradford Factor in Cezanne and contains the following sections:

  1. Exclude an Absence Reason from Bradford Factor
  2. Exclude an Absence Event from Bradford Factor
  3. Override Exclude from Bradford Factor option on individual events

1. Exclude an Absence Reason from Bradford Factor

If you have Absence Reasons set up that should be excluded by default each time they are selected, you should set up the Exclude from Bradford Factor option on the Reason record itself. 

To exclude a reason:

1. Navigate to: Administration >> Absences >> Absence Types & Reasons

2. Select the Sickness absence type that contains the reason you want to exclude.


3. Select the Reasons tab.

4. Select the Reason.

5. Tick Exclude from Bradford Factor.

6. Click Save and Close. The option will now be ticked for all events with that Reason. 


  • If you select this option on an Absence Reason that it is in use, all historic absences of that reason will be set to 'Exclude from Bradford Factor'.

2. Exclude an Absence Event from Bradford Factor

An individual absence event can be set to be Excluded from Bradford Factor by an HR Professional.

This could be used when you just want to exclude a one-off absence of a particular reason.

To exclude an event:

1. Navigate to: People >> Holiday & Absence >> Absence Plans

2. Select the Sickness plan.


3. Select the Absences Tab.

4. Choose the Sickness you want to exclude.


5. Select the Sickness Details tab.


6. Tick Exclude from Bradford Factor.

7. Click Save.


3. Override Exclude from Bradford Factor option on individual events

An HR Professional user can override the Exclude option on individual absence events, even if the event's Absence Reason is excluded. 

This could be used when you just want to include a one-off absence of a particular reason.

To override the option on an event:

1. Navigate to: People >> Holiday & Absence >> Absence Plans

2. Select the Sickness plan.


3. Select the Absences Tab.

4. Choose the Sickness you want to exclude.


5. Select Sickness Details tab.


6. Untick Exclude from Bradford Factor.

7. Click Save.
