Setting Up Job Details

This article summarises how to set up Job Details for your Organisation within Cezanne and contains the following sections:

  1. Adding a New Job
  2. Setting Up Job Attributes
  3. Setting Up Reporting Relationships between Jobs
  4. Viewing the Positions in a Job
  5. Setting Up Job Requirements
  6. Setting Up Job Grades

1. Adding a New Job

To add a new Job record in the system, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to: Administration >> Organisation >> Jobs tab.
  2. Select the Add New Job button.
  3. Fill in the data related to the Job you want to create and save.
  4. Enter Job Attributes, on the Job Attributes tab, if you require.
  5. It is also possible for you to edit the Reports To information .
  6. Finally click Save.

When you save your new Job record, a Reports To record will also be automatically created with a reports to value of 'Root'. (Remember that the Root value indicates the highest level of the organisation as it means that your new record currently doesn't report to another Job record in the system.)


  • Job information can also be added by using a data import. For more information, see: Jobs Import.

2. Setting Up Job Attributes

Once you have added a Job record, you may want to add further information, such as a Description.

To do this, you can use the Job Attributes tab in the Job Details screen.


  • This screen also allows you to save historical data. This enables you have a view of changes within your Job Attributes.

3. Setting Up Reporting Relationships between Jobs

Reporting relationships can be added and maintained using the Reports To tab. The Reports To tab supports historical data, enabling you to change your Job structure and keep track of changes.

Setting up a hierarchy between Jobs helps you to view information in an immediate and easy way. Once you have set up your Job reporting relationships using the Reports To tab, you will then be able to easily view your job structure in a Job Tree.

Setting up a hierarchical relationship between your Job records is a straightforward task that you can do using the Reports To tab on the Job Details screen.

Set the Reports To field to the job level above the one you are working on. If the job you are working on is the top level one or you do not have a hierarchical structure to set up, leave it blank.

3. Setting Up Reporting Relationships between Jobs

4. Viewing the Positions in a Job

Each one of your Jobs may have one or more Positions assigned. You can view this data by accessing the Positions in Job screen in the Job section of the Organisation menu.

For details on how to edit this data, please refer to the Assigning a Job to a Position section.

4. Viewing the Positions in a Job

5. Setting Up Job Requirements

A Job Requirement is a prerequisite that a Person must have in order to carry out a Job.

This kind of information is optional, and you can choose to specify it by using the Job Requirements screen in the Job section of the Organisation menu.

To add a new requirement you must:

  1. Press the Add New button to create a new requirement.
  2. Fill in the Requirement Type field.
  3. Select the dates between which your requirement is valid (if it is a permanent requirement you can use the default Effective To date set to open-ended).
  4. You can optionally also add a Requirement Description, a Priority and Comments.
5. Setting Up Job Requirements

6. Setting Up Job Grades

A Job Grade establishes a class, level or group into which jobs of the same or similar value are grouped for compensation purposes.

You can easily assign a Job Grade to a Job by accessing the Job Grades screen in the Jobs section of the Organisation menu.

Grades and Grade Groups are both managed through picklists.

6. Setting Up Job Grades