Setting Up Org Unit Details

This article summarises how to set up Org Unit Details for your Organisation within Cezanne and contains the following sections:

  1. Adding an Org Unit
  2. Setting Up Org Unit Attributes
  3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Org Units
  4. Viewing Positions in Org Unit
  5. People in Org Unit

1. Adding an Org Unit

1. Adding an Org Unit

In order to add a new Org Unit, you can follow a few simple steps.

  1. Navigate to: Administration >> Organisation >> Org Units tab.
  2. Select the Add New Org Unit button.
  3. Fill in the data related to your Org Unit and save.

When saving your Org Unit details, a Reports To record will also be created. For further details on reporting, consult the Setting up a Reports To relationship between Org Units section.


  • Your Org Unit information can also be added by using a data import. For more information. see: Org Units Import.

2. Setting Up Org Unit Attributes

2. Setting Up Org Unit Attributes

You may wish to add further details to your Org Unit once you have added the basic details related to it (see Adding an Org Unit section).

Information related to the location, the company name or the Cost Centre can be added though the Org Unit Attributes tab in the Org Unit Details screen.

Use the search button or type in the name for the Company in which the Org Unit is contained, the Location Name and the Cost Centre that it is part of.

Further details such as Area, Type and Level can also be specified.


  • If any of these details change, you can use the Add New button to add a new record containing the new details. The previous details will automatically be ended by adding an Effective To date. This allows you to keep a historical record of changes that occur.

3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Org Units

3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Org Units

Setting up a hierarchy between your Org Units helps you to view information in an immediate and easy way. Reports To information will in fact enable you to view your Org Unit structure in an Org Units Chart.

Setting a Reports To relationship is a very straightforward process that can be run using the Reports To tab in the Org Unit Details screen.

The Reports To field should contain the name of the Org Unit in charge of the one you are working on.

If the Org Unit you are working on is the top level one, or you do not have a hierarchical structure to set up, leave it blank.

4. Viewing Positions in Org Unit 4. Viewing Positions in Org Unit

In order to view the Positions assigned to an Org Unit, you can use the Positions in Org Unit screen. If you wish to edit these details, please refer to the Assigning an Org Unit to a Position section.

5. People in Org Unit

5. People in Org Unit

People can be assigned to an Org Unit. This is a way of grouping your employees in Units.

In order to view and edit this data, you can use the two People in Org Unit (current) and People in Org Unit (all) screens. The two screens contain a current and complete view of people that are in the Org Unit you are working on.

People in Org Unit (current)

The People in Org Unit screen can be used to manage the people who are currently deployed to an Org Unit. It is an Org Unit based view of the same data that is managed on the Deployments >> Org Units / Positions screen. Please see Deployments >> Org Units / Positions for further information on using this screen and building a person hierarchy.

People in Org Unit (all)

This screen is identical to People In Org Unit (current) except it shows a complete history (past, present and future) of all the people deployed to the selected Org Unit.