Setting Up Position Details

1. Adding a Position

1. Adding a Position

To add a new Position you can follow a few simple steps:

  1. Navigate to: Administration >> Organisation >> Positions.
  2. Select the Add New Position button.
  3. Fill in the data related to your Position: Position Title, Position Code and the Effective date fields are compulsory information; the Abbrev. Position Title is optional.
  4. Click the Save button.

When saving your Position details, a Reports To record will automatically be created. In the example above the Current Reports To field is set to Root. For further details on reporting, consult the section entitled Setting up a Reports To relationship between Positions.


  • Position information can also be added by using a data import. For more information, see: Positions Import.

2. Setting Up Position Attributes 

2. Setting Up Position Attributes

Once you have added basic information related to your Position (see Adding a new Position), you may also want to link the Position to a Functional Area or Location, or add some Comments.

To achieve this, you can use the Position Attributes tab in the Position Details screen.

  • Job Name: Use the lookup button to link your Position to an existing Job.
  • Cost Centre: The area of an organisation for which costs are collected for the purposes of cost ascertainment, planning, decision making, and control.
  • Functional Area: Use the drop-down to assign a Functional Area to your Position. This value will help you describe what kind of Position it is describing if it is part of the Marketing or Finance area.
  • Type: Use the drop-down to assign a contract type to a Position. Is it a Permanent Position or a Temporary one?
  • Location: Use the lookup button to select a Location; the Location Company field will also be filled in according to the Location you choose.
  • Working Time Pattern: Assign a Working Time Pattern to your Position; this will enable you to establish what kind of a working week the people assigned to the Position are expected to have.
  • Expected FTE: Records the total FTE headcount that is expected for a Position.
  • Expected Headcount: This value indicates the number of people that you wish to assign to a Position. This value is particularly useful when you want to keep track of openings in your organisation.
  • Actual FTE: Sum of Employee Position FTE Ratio (FTE Ratio x Deployment Attributes Working Time %) of all people who have an active deployment record for this position.
  • Actual Headcount: Total amount of people who have an active deployment record for this position.


  • An employee will be counted twice in the Actual FTE and Actual Headcount calculations if they have a Primary and Non-primary deployment record with the same position assignment.
  • The date used for the Actual FTE and Actual Headcountis as follows:
    • If the position attribute is current, calculate the FTE/Headcount today.
    • If the position attribute is in the past, calculate the FTE/Headcount at the end date.
    • If the position attribute is in the future, calculate the FTE/Headcount at the start date.

3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Positions

3. Setting Up a Reports To Relationship between Positions

Reporting relationships can be added and maintained using the Reports To tab.

The Reports To tab supports historical data, enabling you to change your Position structure and keep track of changes over time.

Setting up a hierarchy between Positions helps you to view information in an immediate and easy way. Once you have set up your Position reporting relationships using the Reports To tab, you will be able to easily view your Position structure in a Position Chart or Tree.

Setting up a hierarchical relationship between your Position records is a straightforward task that you can do using the Reports To tab on the Position Details screen.

Set the Reports To field to the Position level above the one you are working on. If the position is the top level one, or you do not have a hierarchical structure to set up, leave it blank.

4. Assigning an Org Unit to a Position

4. Assigning an Org Unit to a Position

The Org Units tab lets you maintain a history of a Position’s allocation to an Org Unit. A Position may only belong to a single Org Unit at a point in time, but it is not mandatory to assign a Position to an Org Unit.

The benefit of assigning a Position to an Org Unit is on the Org Units/Positions deployments (or People in Org Unit) screen: when you run a Position search, the default Position search will automatically restrict the positions returned to those in the selected Org Unit (other positions can still be selected). For this reason, it is worth allocating Positions to Org Units if possible.

5. Setting Up Position Grades

5. Setting Up Position Grades

Use the Position Grades screen to assign one or more Grades to a Position.

A Grade allows you to establish a level for a position. This could be an Internal organisation Grade, or a National Grade. It is possible to assign more than one Grade to a Position, but only one Grade can be selected as Primary at any point in time.

The Position Grades screen supports historical data.

6. Assigning a Job to a Position

Use the Job Name lookup field on the Position Attributes tab to connect the Position to a Job. This will enable you, when you run a Position search, to restrict the positions returned to those with the selected job assigned. You can view this data by accessing the Positions in Job screen for a specific Job, in the Job section of the Organisation menu.

7. Assigning a Cost Centre to a Position

Use the Cost Centre lookup field on the Position Attributes tab to connect the Position to a Cost Centre. This will enable you, when you run a Position search, to restrict the positions returned to those with the selected Cost Centre assigned.