The delegation functionality in Cezanne enables a user's tasks to be sent to one or more additional participants to perform the required action. For example, an absence request can be delegated from an employee's manager and sent to another user to approve while the manager is on holiday.
When a task has been delegated, it will appear in the task inbox of both the original and new participants. Both participants can still perform the action, i.e. the task is being copied and not moved.

This article explains how to use delegation in Cezanne and contains the following sections:
1. Process Flow Delegation
Using Process Flow delegation, you can delegate (subject to permissions) either:
- All of a user's tasks for all available Process Flows
- All of a user's tasks for a specific Process Flow Category
- All of a user's tasks for a specific Process Flow
To set up Process Flow delegation:
Navigate to: Administration >> Users >> User Delegations
1. Search for and select the user whose approval tasks you want to delegate.
2. Individual Task Delegation
Individual Task Delegation enables an HR Professional user to delegate a users' specific, active absence task.
Navigate to: People >> Select a Person >> Holiday & Absence >> Absence Plans >> Absences tab
1. Find the absence you want to delegate.2. Select the Add Additional Approver button.

Deleting an Individual Task Delegation
To delete an Individual Task Delegation, you will need to find the Original Approver's Individual Task Delegation list:
Navigate to: Administration >> Users >> User Delegations >> Individual Task tab
- Select the Original Approver
- Click Delete.
- The Task will be removed from the Additional Approver's inbox.
3. Security Role Permissions
Delegation is turned OFF by default for Restricted HR Professionals, Line Manager and Self Service Users. HR Professionals can turn Delegation ON for each user role from the Security Role Permissions screen. Additionally, they can also decide which Process Flow Categories each user role can delegate.
For more information, see: Delegation Security.
4. Process Details
When using delegation, the approver field for each task will always show the original approver, even if an Additional Approver performed the action.
The Process Details screen displays which user actually performed the action.
Navigate to: Administration >> Processes >> Closed Processes >> Tasks tab
- Select the Approve Request task:
- The user who approved the task is displayed in the Action Performed By field:

5. User Delegations Search
The User Delegations search enables an HR Professional / Restricted HR Professional to search for all delegation records in the system.
Navigate to: Administration >> Users >> Search Users and select User Delegation from the Manage Searches menu.
For more information, see: Save and Manage Your Searches.
6. Troubleshooting
Process Flow displays in red with an exclamation mark on the Active tab of the User Delegations screen
If one of the delegation records displays the Process Flow title in red with an exclamation mark (as shown below), it is because the Process Flow that it relates to has been terminated by an HR Professional.

In order to continue delegating the user's approval tasks, a new delegation record will need to be added for the new Process Flow (if a new Process Flow has been set up).
For details on how to add a new delegation record, see section 1 above.
Process Flow delegations are set up but tasks are not being delegated
The most likely reason for tasks not being delegated after Process Flow delegations are set up is that the Process Flow was activated after the delegation record was created. To fix this, a new delegation record for the Process Flow that is not being delegated will need to be added.
For details on how to add a new delegation record, see section 1 above.