Document Categories

Within Cezanne HR you can organise documents into different categories and decide whether a particular Security Role can access certain documents. This article explains how to manage document categories and contains the following sections:

  1. Add New Document Category
  2. Allow or Restrict Employee Access
  3. Default Permissions for Document Categories

1. Add New Document Category

Navigate to: Administration >> Security Settings >> Document Categories:

1. Select Add New.
1. Add New Document Category
2. Enter a Name and select 'Person' from Entity Type the drop-down
3. Click OK.
4. Tick Enable for Form Builder if you want to enable documents to be attached to forms under this document category. For more information, see: Form Builder.
5. Choose the Permissions for each Security Role (see section 2 below).
6. Click Save and Close.

2. Allow or Restrict Employee Access to Documents

You can allow or restrict employees access to documents, by user role, through the Permissions section of the Category.

Navigate to: System Setup >> Security Settings >> Document Categories, select on a category and check the permissions for each role.

The Permissions that can be set are:

  • Read - Can read documents in that category, subject to the Filter.
  • Insert - Can add documents to that category, subject to the Filter.
  • Update - Can rename any documents in that category, subject to the Filter.
  • Delete - Can remove documents in that category, subject to the Filter.


  • The Documents screen needs to be made available from the Security Role Permissions screen for employees to see documents.
  • If you select Insert, Update or Delete permissions, Read will also be selected automatically as you can't use the other permissions without the permission to Read documents.

3. Default Permissions for Document Categories

  • Default Permissions for Administration, Appraisal, Contracts, CRB, Other, Recruitment, Uncategorised, Visible to all.
3. Default Permissions for Document Categories
  • Default Permissions for Payslips.