Employee Documents

This article explains how to upload documents to an employee's record within Cezanne HR and contains the following sections:

Selecting a Folder

  1. Navigate to: People >> Select A Person >> Additional Information >> Documents.
  2. Make sure you are in the Folders tab.
  3. Select the folder you want to add a document into e.g. Other.

Adding Files

When adding files to an employee's record, you can either upload an existing document or create and merge a new document.

Upload an Existing Document

This option allows you to upload existing documents and files from your computer to employee folders in Cezanne.

1. Click either the Upload File or the Click Here button (Click Here will only appear if no documents have been added to the folder yet):

2. When the Upload Files pop-up opens, click Choose File. This will open your computer's file folders.

3. Search for and select the file(s) you want to upload:

4. Once you have selected all the files you want to upload, click Upload:


5. Alternatively, you can drag and drop files from your computer straight into the file window. To add multiple files at the same time, select all the files you need before dragging them into the file window:


6. Any files uploaded will appear in the file window with information including the time and date of their creation and last modification, as well as the user who created or last modified them:


  • Documents can be any file type but cannot be bigger than 50MB - Error 5006800.

Create & Merge a New Document

This option allows you to create a new document for the employee using document templates and merge fields.

1. Click Create & Merge.
2. Choose an existing template using the search function. For more information, see: Add New Document Template.
3. Enter a File Name for the Document. You can add merge fields by clicking the button to personalise the file name for the employee.
4. If you want to make changes to the content of the document, select Modify. (These changes will be temporarily saved in memory and will not update the Document Template itself.)
5. Select the Format as either PDF or Word. (You can select Download Preview to view an example using an existing person's data.)
6. Choose whether you want to track the document and if required select a Deadline.
    • Choose whether the employee must electronically sign the document.
    • If you have activated more than one Document Tracking & Signing process flow, you must also select which process flow to use.
7. Tick this option to send the employee an e-mail containing a link to the document.
    • Clicking Next will open a new e-mail screen with the option to use a template e-mail or write one from scratch. For more information, see: Send E-mails.
8. Click Create Document (or Create and Send if you have included an e-mail).

For more information, see: Create & Merge a New Document.

Viewing and Deleting Files

  • To view a file that has been added to an employee's record, click on the file name.
  • You can Delete or Rename the file by using the bin and pencil icons.


  • To add documents into different folders, you will need to navigate to each individual folder before uploading documents.

Moving Documents between Folders

This option allows you to move employee documents between document categories on the document screen.

1. Click the tickbox on the left side of the document you wish to move.

2. Click Move Files.

3. Select the new Folder from the drop-down box.
4. Click Move.
5. The files will now be available to view in the chosen folder.


  • This option is only available for HR Professionals and Restricted HR Professionals (who have Full permissions over an employee).
  • The option is not available for Attachment Categories.
  • You can only move files out of a folder that you have Update permissions for and you can only move files into a folder that you have Insert permissions for (the dropdown filters out those you don't have insert permission for.
  • It is possible to move a file from a folder that you do not have Delete permissions for to a folder that you do have Delete permissions for.
  • It is not possible to move files that have been attached to Form builder forms or files that are in a running Document Tracking process. However, once the process is completed or terminated then the files can be moved.