Carry Over Settings

If there is unused holiday entitlement at the end of the year, carry over can be used to ensure that some of this entitlement is not lost. You can allow your employees to keep some remaining entitlement to take into the next accrual year, and optionally set an expiry date that the entitlement must be used by.

This article will show you how to configure your absence plans to allow for a certain amount of days to be carried over between accrual years. It contains the following sections:

  1. Available Options
  2. Accrual Calculation Type = Fixed
  3. Accrual Calculation Type = Rule-based
  4. Accrual Calculation Type = Percentage-based
  5. Enabling Carry Over Expiry

1. Available Options

Enable Carry Over Expiry This setting allows you to specify a date in the year when the carried over entitlement will expire and become unusable.
Maximum Positive This option is used to specify the maximum amount of remaining 'positive' entitlement that an employee can carry over from the previous accrual year. If you don't want to allow positive carry over, enter 0.00.
Maximum Negative This option is used to specify the maximum amount of remaining 'negative' entitlement that an employee can carry over from the previous accrual year. If you don't want to allow negative carry over, enter 0.00.
Maximum Entitlement Use this field if you wish to set a maximum total entitlement (accrued entitlement + carry over + adjustments) that an employee can receive in an accrual year. If you do not want to restrict the maximum entitlement leave the field set as "No Restriction".


  • Carry Over amounts on an accrual record show the maximum amount of entitlement that can be carried into that record, from the previous year, rather than the amount that can be carried over from that accrual record, to the next year.

2. Accrual Calculation Type = Fixed

  • If the Accrual Calculation Type is set to Fixed, Carry Over is configured using the Carry Over Settings section of the Absence Plan Type Details screen (Administration >> Absences >> Absence Plan Types >> Select Absence Plan Type).

Fixed Calculation Type example


  • Accrual Calculation Type: Fixed
  • Entitlement: 25 days
  • Maximum Positive Carry Over: 5 days
  • Maximum Negative Carry Over: No Restriction
  • Maximum Entitlement: No Restriction
5. Example 1: Accrual Calculation Type = Fixed


  • The employee takes 16 days holiday from their entitlement of 25 days.
  • At the end of the year, there are 9 days left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over is 5 days, 4 days are lost and 5 days are taken forward to the next year.


  • The employee receives their 25 days standard Accrued Entitlement, plus the 5 days carried over from 2020. This gives a Total Entitlement of 30 days.
  • At the end of the year, they have taken 29 days holiday, which means there is 1 day left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over is 5 days, 0 days are lost and 1 day is taken forward to the next year.


  • The employee receives their 25 days standard Accrued Entitlement, plus the 1 day carried over from 2021. This gives a Total Entitlement of 26 days.

3. Accrual Calculation Type = Rule-based

  • If the Accrual Calculation Type is set to Rule-based, Carry Over is configured in the Carry Over section of the Entitlement Rules screen (Administration >> Absences >> Absence Plan Types >> View Rules).

Rule-based Calculation Type example


  • Accrual Calculation Type: Rule-based
  • Entitlement: 0-1 years service is 25 days, 1-2 years service is 30 days, 2+ years service is 35 days.
  • Maximum Positive Carry Over: 0-2 years service is 5 days, 2+ years service is 10 days.
  • Maximum Negative Carry Over: No Restriction
  • Maximum Entitlement: No Restriction
6. Example 2: Accrual Calculation Type = Rule-based


  • The employee takes 24 days holiday from their entitlement of 25 days.
  • At the end of the year, there is 1 day left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over for their years of service is 5 days, 0 days are lost and 1 day is taken forward to the next year.


  • The employee receives their 30 days Accrued Entitlement due to 1 year of service being completed, plus the 1 day carried over from 2015. This gives a Total Entitlement of 31 days.
  • At the end of the year, they have taken 27 days holiday, which means there are 4 days left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over is 5 days, 0 days are lost and 4 days are taken forward to the next year.


  • The employee receives their 35 days Accrued Entitlement due to 2 years of service being completed, plus the 4 days carried over from 2016. This gives a Total Entitlement of 39 days.
  • At the end of the year, they have taken 0 days holiday, which means there are 39 days left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over is now 10 days, 29 days are lost and 10 days are taken forward to the next year.


  • The employee receives their 35 days Accrued Entitlement due to 2 years of service being completed, plus the 10 days carried over from 2017. This gives a Total Entitlement of 45 days.

4. Accrual Calculation Type = Percentage-based

  • If the Accrual Calculation Type is set to Percentage-based, Carry Over is configured using the Carry Over Settings section of the Absence Plan Type Details screen (Administration >> Absences >> Absence Plan Types).

Percentage-based Calculation Type example


  • Accrual Calculation Type: Percentage-based
  • Entitlement Percentage: 12.5
  • Maximum Positive Carry Over: No Restriction
  • Maximum Negative Carry Over: No Restriction
  • Maximum Entitlement: No Restriction
7. Example 3: Accrual Calculation Type = Percentage-based


  • The employee works 128 hours and they accrue 12.5% = 16 hours.
  • At the end of the year, they have taken 10 hours of holiday, which means there are 6 hours left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over is set to No Restriction, 0 hours are lost and 6 hours are taken forward to the next year.


  • The employee works 128 hours and they accrue 12.5% = 16 hours, plus the 6 hours carried over from 2020. This gives a Total Entitlement of 22 hours.
  • At the end of the year, they have taken 12 hours holiday, which means there are 10 hours left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over is set to No Restriction, 0 hours are lost and 10 hours are taken forward to the next year.


  • The employee works 8 hours and they accrue 12.5% = 1 hour, plus the 10 hours carried over from 2021. This gives a Total Entitlement of 11 hours.
  • At the end of the year, they have taken 0 hours holiday, which means there are 11 hours left.
  • As the maximum positive carry over is set to No Restriction, 0 hours are lost and 11 hours are taken forward to the next year.

5. Enabling Carry Over Expiry

The Carry Over Expiry rule allows you to set a date that accrued Carry Over days must be used by. After that date, any unused Carry Over holiday will become expired and be removed from the employee's absence allowance.

To set up the expiry:

  1. Navigate to Carry Over Settings in the relevant Absence Plan.
  2. Tick Enable Carry Over Expiry.
  3. Set an Expiry Date by entering a date and selecting a month from the dropdown.

This will apply the setting to all employees who are enrolled on the plan, and means that any available carry over that has not been used by 1st April will be deducted from their entitlement.


  • In the event that employees have already booked off absences that use their Carry Over entitlement for a date after the set Expiry Date, on the selected Expiry Date, their entitlement will update to be in the minus for the total amount of Carry Over.

To exclude individual employees from the carry over expiry rule:

  1. Navigate to: People >> Select employee >> Holiday & Absence >> Absence Plans.
  2. Select the Absence Plan with Carry Over Expiry enabled.
  3. Tick Exclude from Carry Over Expiry.
  4. Click Save.