Starter and Leaver Rules

The Starter and Leaver Rules of an Absence Plan Type determine how entitlement is awarded to an employee when an absence plan enrolment starts and finishes.

Absences >> Absence Plan Types >> Absence Plan Type Details >> Entitlement Settings Section:

1. Pro Rata Calendar Days

1. Pro Rata Calendar Days

This option enables a proportional amount of entitlement to be awarded to employees when they start and leave. For example, if an employee is enrolled exactly half way through an accrual period (Yearly, Monthly or Semi-Monthly), they are awarded half of the full entitlement for that period.

The following two examples show the 'Pro Rata Calendar Days' option being used for the Starter and Leaver Rules for employees on a Yearly absence plan with the following options:

  • Accrual Period is Yearly.
  • Accrual Date is 1st January.
  • Entitlement is Fixed at 28 days.

Starter Rule Example

An Employee is enrolled on the plan from 01/05/2015:

Starter Rule Example
  • The employee is enrolled for 245 out of 365 days (01/05/2015 to 31/12/2015), which is 67.12% of their first accrual year.
  • Accrued Entitlement = 67.12% of 28 days = 18.79 days pro rata.

Leaver Rule Example

An Employee is enrolled on the plan from 01/01/2015 to 01/05/2015:

Leaver Rule Example
  • The employee is enrolled for 121 out of 365 days (01/01/2015 to 01/05/2015), which is 33.15% of their final accrual year.
  • Accrued Entitlement = 33.15% of 28 days = 9.28 days pro rata.

2. Full Entitlement Cut-off

2. Full Entitlement Cut-off

This option enables a starter and/or a leaver cut-off day to be specified within an accrual/sub-accrual period so that when an employee starts or leaves, they will be awarded either Full Entitlement or No Entitlement for that accrual period.

Although this option is available for all accrual periods, it is only designed to be used with Monthly and Semi-Monthly.

The following four examples show the 'Full Entitlement Cut-off' option being used for the Starter and Leaver Rules for employees on a Monthly absence plan  with the following options:

  • Accrual Period is Monthly.
  • Accrual Date is 1st January.
  • Entitlement is Fixed at 2.3334 days per month.
  • Starter Rule = Full Entitlement Cut-off: Start On or Before Day 15 of period.
  • Leaver Rule = Full Entitlement Cut-off: Leave On or After Day 15 of period.

Starter Rule: Example 1

An Employee is enrolled from 15/01/2015 (or any day between the 1st and 15th of any month):

Starter Rule: Example 1
  • Full Entitlement of 2.3334 days is awarded for their first month, even though they have not worked for all of that month.

Starter Rule: Example 2 

An Employee is enrolled from 16/01/2015 (or any day between the 16th and the end of any month):

  • No Entitlement is awarded for their first month, because the employee is enrolled after the cut-off day.

Leaver Rule: Example 1 

An Employee's enrolment ends on 15/01/2015 (or any day between the 15th and the last day of any month):

  • Full Entitlement of 2.3334 days is awarded for their last month, even though they have not worked for all of that month.

Leaver Rule: Example 2

An Employee's enrolment ends on 14/01/2015 (or any day between the 1st and 14th of any month):

  • No Entitlement is awarded for their last month, because their enrolment ends before the cut-off day.

3. Full Entitlement

3. Full Entitlement

This option enables full entitlement to be awarded to employees, regardless of the date on which they start and/or leave. For example, if an employee is enrolled exactly half way through an accrual period (Yearly, Monthly or Semi-Monthly), they are still awarded full entitlement for that period.

The following two examples show the 'Full Entitlement' option being used for the Starter and Leaver Rules for a Yearly absence plan with the following options:

  • Accrual Period is Yearly.
  • Accrual Date is 1st January.
  • Entitlement is Fixed at 28 days.

Starter Rule Example

An Employee is enrolled from 01/05/2015 (or any other day in the year):

Starter Rule Example
  • Even though the employee will only have been enrolled for 67.12% of the 2015 accrual period (245 out of 365 days), they are still awarded full entitlement of 28 days for their first accrual period worked.

Leaver Rule Example

An Employee's enrolment ends on the 01/05/2015 (or any other day in the year):

Leaver Rule Example
  • Even though the employee will only have been enrolled for 33.15% of the 2015 accrual period (121 out of 365 days), they are still awarded full entitlement of 28 days for their last accrual period worked.

4. Warning 108228

If an absence plan has a different Starter and Leaver rule, and the Effective From / Effective To dates fall in the same accrual period (Yearly, Monthly or Semi-Monthly), you will receive the following warning to let you know that the Leaver rule has taken priority.

4. Warning 108228

For example, if a Yearly absence plan had a Starter Rule of 'Full Entitlement' and a Leaver Rule of 'Pro Rata Calendar Days' and an employee started and left in the same accrual year, their accrued entitlement would be calculated using the 'Pro Rata Calendar Days' rule.