Portal Templates

In order to enable the Onboarding Portal for new employees, you will need to set up a template. Templates can be set up for each location or language that you need to use within your organisation.

This article explains how to add a Portal Template and contains the following sections:

  1. Add a new Portal Template
  2. Duplicate an existing Portal Template
  3. Welcome Card
  4. Tasks Section
  5. Message Section
  6. Video Section
  7. Team Members Section

1. Add a new Portal Template

To begin adding a new Portal template:

Navigate to: Onboarding >> Portal Templates >> Add New Portal Template.

1. Enter a Name for the template.
2. Enter a Message. (This will be displayed on the Welcome Card of the portal. You can edit this later).
3. Select a Portal Contact.
4. (Optional) Enter Comments.
5. Select Next.
6. Enter the Office Address.
7. (Optional) Enter City, County, Country and Postcode.
8. Select OK.

2. Duplicate an existing Portal Template

To begin duplicating an existing Portal template:

Navigate to: Onboarding >> Portal Templates

1. Select the Template you would like to duplicate.
2. Click the Duplicate button. 
Portal Template Details - Copy of London Office Portal - Cezanne OnDemand and 5 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge
3. Make the required changes to the copy. (To change the name of the new copy, click the Pencil icon, edit the name and click Save).
4. Click Save.

3. Welcome Card

This section displays four tabs which contain key information for a new employee.

1. Message

This is the message that is displayed in the first tab of the Welcome Card. There is also a pop-up message which can be set to display a separate, shorter welcome message.


  • You can preview the shorter welcome message by clicking the Preview Pop-up option.
2. Start Date / Time

This tab displays the employee's Start Date and Start Time.

3. Location

This tab displays the Address and Map of their work location. There is also an optional section to include Directions and other information about finding the location.

4. Main Contact

This tab displays the employee's main contact if they have any questions.

4. Tasks Section

This section displays the number of tasks that a new employee has to complete and contains a link to the Tasks screen.

5. Message Section

Navigate to: Onboarding >> Portal Templates >> Portal Template Details

This section displays text / images configured using the HTML Editor.

1. To add a message section, click Add New Section
2. Enter a Title for the section.
3. Select Message as the section Type.
4. Enter any Content in the textbox.
5. (Optional) Enter Comments.
6. Select Save and Close.

Inserting Text

1. Type into the editor and use the available formatting options.

Inserting an Image

1. Select where the image should be inserted.
2. Click the Insert Image button.
3. Either paste an existing image URL (e.g. company logo from website) or select to Upload an Image.
    • If an image is uploaded, the Web Address field will display the URL for the uploaded image.
    • This generated public URL can then be used to insert the image on other portal templates by pasting the URL each time.

4. (Optional) Enter Alternate Text. (This is the text that will be used if the image cannot be displayed).

5. (Optional) To change the dimensions of the image, enter Width and Height (in pixels). (The aspect ratio is retained if you enter only a width or a height).

6. Click OK.


  • The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 2MB.
  • Uploaded images are stored using public URLs. This means that if someone has the URL, they can see the image.

Editing Image Size 

The image added to a message may not properly fit the whole Section on the Portal. You can resize the image when first adding it or by editing the Section.

1. To edit the image click on the pencil icon in the corner of the Section.

2. Click View HTML button '</>'.

3. By editing parts of the HTML you can resize the image. It is important to use the HTML that relates to the size and orientation of the image.

Copy and paste the HTML below to replace the current if the image is too big to fit in the Section (bigger than 471x244px), making sure to replace INSERT IMAGE HERE with the image's URL.

<div style="display:flex;height:244px;vertical-align:middle;">     <img src="INSERT IMAGE URL HERE" style="margin:auto;max-height:240px;max-width:100%;" /></div>
 Click to copy 

If the image is too small to fit the whole Section(smaller than 471x244px), there are two options;

Use the HTML below if the small image is portrait.

<img src="INSERT IMAGE URL HERE" style="margin:auto;max-height:240px;max-width:100%;height:100%" />
 Click to copy 


Use the HTML below if the small image is landscape.

<img src="INSERT IMAGE URL HERE" style="margin:auto;max-height:240px;max-width:100%;width:100%" />
 Click to copy 


4. Click Update and then Save.

6. Video Section

This section displays an embedded video.

1. To add a message section, click Add New Section
2. Enter a Title for the section.
3. Select Video as the section Type.
4. Enter an Embedded Code in the textbox. For more information, see section below
5. (Optional) Enter Comments.
6. Select Save and Close.
Portal Template Details - Portal template test - Cezanne OnDemand - Google Chrome

Use the following instructions to find the embed codes for videos in YouTube or Vimeo:

  • YouTube - Open the video, right-click on it and select Copy embed code.


  • Youtube videos can only be embedded if this option is enabled in the video settings.
  • Vimeo - Open the video, select Share, highlight and copy just the <iframe> section of the Embed and paste into Cezanne.

Adding a 'How to use Cezanne' Portal Video

This section shows how to add either of the following videos to a Portal Template. Both videos explain how new starters can use their portal and navigate the system, but include different branding.

Video 1 (with Cezanne HR branding)

Video 2 (with alternative branding)

1. Add a New Section to the Portal Template using the instructions above.
2. Type 'How To Use Cezanne' as the Title.
3. Select Video as the section Type.
4. Enter one of the following Embed Codes:
  • For Video 1 (with Cezanne HR branding)
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/348804217" width="640" height="291" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 Click to copy 
  • For Video 2 (with alternative branding)
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/348804093" width="640" height="291" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 Click to copy 
5. Click Save & Close.


  • Other videos can also be added to an Onboarding Portal. For more information, see: Available Portal Template Options - Video Section below.

7. Team Members Section

This widget displays an employee's manager, peers and subordinates with bios (if filled in).

To view the available options for this section, select Edit Section.

The following settings are available:

  • Include Indirect Subordinates - ticking this option will also display all of an employee's indirect subordinates (at every level) in the Team Members Section.
  • Hide Section - ticking this option will hide the Team Members section.