The most common reasons an employee's holiday Entitlement and/or Remaining Entitlement might not be appearing as expected are:
- The employee has accrual and/or absence records that need Recalculating as a result of changes to their personal details e.g. FTE, Hire Date or Calendar Assignment.
- The employee's holiday plan type itself needs Recalculating as a result of configuration changes.
- The associated absence plan type has not been configured correctly.
1. How to Recalculate an Employee's Absence and Accrual Records.
People >> Holiday & Absence >> Absence Plans >> Accruals tab
- This employee's Accrual records have been flagged as possibly being incorrect, after a change to their FTE Ratio from 1.0 to 0.5
- Click Recalculate.
Once the recalculation has completed:
- The accrual records are no longer flagged as incorrect.
- The employee's accrued entitlement has been been updated, to reflect the change to their FTE Ratio.
2. How to Recalculate an Absence Plan Type
Absences >> Absence Plan Type:
- Search and select for the Absence Plan Type. If the plan needs recalculating a Recalculate Absences/Accruals button will be displayed at the top of the screen.
- Click Recalculate Absences/Accruals.
The Absence Plan Type recalculation is then queued for processing. This can take a few minutes to complete.
Once the recalculation has finished:
- The Recalculate Absences/Accruals button will no longer be available.
- The related absence and accrual records of all employee's enrolled on the absence plan will have been recalculated.
3. Absence Plan Type and Entitlement Rule Settings
Most of the Absence Plan Type settings can impact on an employee's entitlement, however the following are the most likely to be set incorrectly:
- Maximum Entitlement
- Carry Over
- Eligibility Rate Change
Further details about these or any other Absence Plan Type settings can be found in specific Knowledge Base articles about each one.
Once you've enrolled people on an Absence Plan, you shouldn't normally edit its settings. This is because any changes you make would apply to the yearly holiday allowances/number of days taken in previous years, in the current year and in future years as well.
Therefore, depending on the change(s) you have made, when you recalculate the Absence Plan, your employees may suddenly owe you several days of annual leave that the Plan allowed them to take in the past, or you may owe them extra days because their entitlements have increased as a result of the change.
Why you might want to continue with the change
You may want to allow changes to the Absence Plan if:
- You are testing a new Absence Plan
- You have made an error in an Absence Plan and you need to fix it
If you are changing the Plan for either of these reasons, after accepting this message, you should Recalculate.
If your employment contracts have changed, you should not edit the existing plan(s). Instead you should create new Absence Plans and switch your employees onto them. Any future absences will be linked to the new plan(s).