The Form Builder enables you to create custom forms and configure how a user can add them to their record on their form hub.

This article explains how to add forms and contains the following sections:
1. Adding a New Form
Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Form Builder.
1. Click Add New Form:
2. Field Types and Properties
When building your form:
- Use the different Field Types to construct the form for its specific purpose.
- Use the Properties to adjust the characteristics of a Field Type.
For a full list and explanation of the Field Types available and a list of Properties and their functions, see: Form Builder Field Types & Properties.
3. Setting up Form Security
The Security tab is where you can set up which user roles can add forms, start a Workflow process and / or access the form's search.

The available security options are:
- Read - The user can view records from an employee's Form Hub.
- Insert - The user can add a form (with no approval workflow) from an employee's Form Hub.
- Update - The user can edit a form (with no approval workflow) from an employee's Form Hub.
- Delete - The user can delete a form (with no approval workflow) from an employee's Form Hub.
- Workflow- The user can start a workflow process to add a form from an employee's Form Hub.
- If you select this option, you must set up a process for the specific form. For more information, see the Setting up a Process for a Form section below.
- Search - The user can access and use the form's dedicated search.
When ticked for each Security Role, the Search option allows:
- HR Professionals to see all forms for all employees.
- Restricted HR Professionals to see all forms for employees within their Security Policy.
- Line Manager to see all forms for their team members (direct and indirect).
4. Setting up Custom Search
The Search tab is where you can configure the default criteria and columns for your search.
- Use the arrows to select which of the Available Fields you would like to appear as the main Criteria and Columns for the new search (when using the search you can add in further criteria from the Default Fields).
- Click Save.

Finding and Using the Search
To navigate to the form's custom search:
1. Select the search tab in the left-hand menu.

You can then use the search to report on each field you've added in the form and enabled in the search tab

Default Fields
The following default fields will always be available on the search:
- Active Employee?
- Company Name
- Cost Centre Name
- Current Status
- Employment ID
- Family Name Prefix
- First Name
- Full Name
- Internal E-mail
- Job Name
- Known As
- Legal Name
- Location Name
- Middle Name(s)
- Employee Name
- Org Unit Name
- Person Code
- Position Title
- Status Date
- Surname
- Work Number
5. Activating a Form
In order for employees, managers or HR Professionals to add forms, the form needs to be activated to make it available on the Form Hub.
- Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Form Builder
- Select the required form.
- Click Activate:

- The form will now be available on the Form Hub. To access the Form Hub:
- Self Service users & Line Managers looking for their own Form Hub must navigate to: My Self >> Form Hub.
- Line Managers looking for their team's Form Hubs must navigate to: My Team >> Select a Person >> Form Hub.
- HR Professionals must navigate to: People >> Select a Person >> Form Hub.
- For users to add a form, they must click Add New:

- This will open up a form either through the workflow process, on a read-only screen, or a screen with editable fields depending on the security settings for that user role.
- Below is an example of a user role who has Read, Insert, Update and Delete options ticked:

6. Editing a Form
To be able to edit a form, you must first deactivate it.
Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Form Builder
- Select the required form.
- Click Deactivate.
- Make the required changes. For more information, see: Adding a Form section above.
- Click Save.
- Then click Activate.
7. Removing Fields from a Form
- Ensure the form is deactivated so you can make an edit.
- Find the field that you want to remove and click the 'X'.
- You can find removed fields in the Removed Fields tab:
- Restore - This restores the field back onto the bottom of the form, including any data that may have been entered.
- Delete - Permanently deletes the field. You will not be able to retrieve any data that may have been entered.
8. Enabling Attachments to a Form
Before enabling attachments, you need to make sure that the Document Category you want to store the form's attachments in is enabled for Form Builder.
Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Security Settings >> Document Categories.
1. You can either click on a default Document Category or Add New. For more information, see: Document Categories.
Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Form Builder >> Select a Form >> Attachments tab
3. Tick the Enable Attachments checkbox.
Disabling Attachments
Unticking the Enable Attachments box hides the Attach Files button on the form and any documents linked, meaning users can no longer add attachments to the form. However, existing attachments can still be accessed from the employee's Documents screen.
There are three options for those forms with previously linked documents:

- Tick the Enable Attachments box again to show the Attach files button on the form and display any documents that were attached to the form again.
- Retrieve All the documents to display a list of the employees who attached documents.
- Unlink All of the documents attached to the form. If you want to re-link the documents again, they will have to be manually added again.
9. Setting up a Process for a Form
If you have selected the Workflow option in the Security Tab for a user role, you need to set up a new workflow process for that form.
To set up a new process:
- Navigate to: Administration >> Setup & Security >> Processes >> Form Builder.
- Select the Form Builder process flow.
- Click Next.
- Select which form you want to activate the process for from the picklist.
- Click Next.

For more information, see: Form Builder Process Flow.