Annual Calendar

The Annual Calendar provides an overview of all Absence Events, Development Activities, Calendar Events and Public Holidays for filtered groups of employees across the calendar year, allowing users to see the annual spread of events and plan accordingly.

Key features:

  • Users can view annual events for specific employees using filters groups.
  • The default view is the grid Annual Overview. In this view, event details can be loaded for each day with events.
  • The Show People view loads a calendar with a row for each employee for each month of the year. This view can be printed.

Navigate to: Calendars >> Annual Calendar:

This article gives an overview of the Annual Calendar and how it works in the following sections:

  1. Changing the Year
  2. Filtering
  3. Event Type Filters
  4. Event Details by Day
  5. People (list) View
  6. Printing or Exporting to PDF

1. Changing the Year

The Calendar will always open on the current year. To change the year displayed, use the arrows on either side of the year in the top left corner.

2. Filtering

Pinned Filters are displayed at the top of the calendar. By default they will all be ticked and therefore applied:

Unticking a calendar filter will remove the related employees' events from the calendar:


  • The Filter Groups pinned can be amended and edited using the Filter Group Settings.
  • Depending on how your system is configured, Filter Group Settings and / or access to all employee's events may not be available.

3. Event Type Filters  

An Event Type Filter will appear for each Event Type included in Calendar.

To only view specific events, unselect the Event Types you don't want to see, and keep the Event Types you want to see selected, e.g. to see all calendar events except for Holiday:

4. Event Details by Day

In the grid overview view, click on any day with events.

This will load a panel on the left side of the screen with further information about the events occurring on that day.

  1. For Public Holidays, Company Events, Org Unit Events and Development Activities, one record will be displayed for all employees that the event impacts. To see the employees who the event applies to, click the chevron next to 'Show People' on the record.
  2. If permissions allow, a user will also be able to click on an individual Person Event or Absence record to visit the employee's full event details.

5. People (list) View

To see each a list of each employee's monthly calendar, click Show People:

This will load a row for each employee selected in the filters for each month in the current year:

  • Scroll to view the remainder of the year.
  • To view the event type, hover over the coloured cell.
  • To swap back to the main view, click the Hide People button.
  • This view can be printed. For more information, see: Printing or Exporting to PDF.

6. Printing or Exporting to PDF

The People view of the Annual Calendar can be printed or exported to PDF for reference purposes.

  1. Navigate to the People view by clicking Show People.
  2. Right click anywhere in the screen.
  3. Select Print... from the menu.
    • Your print preview with settings should load:
  1. Use this screen to choose your destination, pages to print and paper size.
  2. You must select the Layout as Landscape and tick Background graphics in Options for the print to be displayed properly.
  3. Click Print or Save.