Maximum Absence Duration Rule

The Maximum Absence Duration rule allows you to limit the amount of days that an employee can consecutively book off. This rule can be applied across absence plans to prevent employees using different plans to take more time off.

This article explains how to set up a duration rule, how to apply it to different absence plans and how it works in the following sections:

  1. Create an Absence Duration Rule
  2. Apply the rule to Absence Plans
  3. Rule Error Messages

1. Create an Absence Duration Rule

To add a new absence rule, navigate to: Administration >> Absences >> Absence Rules and select Maximum Absence Duration from the list of Absence Rules.

1. Click Add New.
2. Add a Rule Description to help you identify the rule later on.
3. Add an identifying Code.
4. Add a Sort Order.
5. Enter the number of days you want to allow employees to take for your Maximum Absence Duration rule.
6. Select whether you want to Trim Leading & Trailing Non-active Days.
    • Ticking this option will mean that non-working days on the calendar (e.g. weekends) won't be counted as one of the consecutive days if employees book absences across them.

7. Click Save and Close.

2. Apply the rule to Absence Plans

To put Maximum Absence Duration Rules into effect, they must be applied to specific Absence Plans. To do this, navigate to: Administration >> Absences >> Absence Plan Types.

1. Select an Absence Plan Type.
2. Under Absence Request Settings, tick Enable Maximum Consecutive Absence Duration.
3. Select the Absence Maximum Duration Rule you want to apply to the plan from the drop down.
    • The number of days allowed for the selected rule will appear as a read only field under Maximum Absence Duration for reference.

4. Click Save.

5. To apply the same rule to multiple Absence Plan Types, repeat steps 1-4 for all Absence Plan Types you want to apply the rule to.
    • Applying the same rule to multiple plan types will prevent the number of consecutive days specified in the rule from being booked across those plan types collectively. For example, if an employee is on two different holiday plans and a 5 day Maximum Duration Rule is applied to both plans, they won't be able to book more than 5 days consecutively across the two plans.

3. Rule Error Messages

When a rule has been applied and an employee tries to book more time off than the rule allows for, the following error message will appear for Self Service / Line Manager users:

HR and RHR Professionals will have the following reminder message come up asking to confirm whether the absence should be booked: