Workspace Participants are the active employees who are included in a Workspace group. Depending on permissions, they will be able to view, comment and post within a workspace. For Private and Public Workspaces, Participants can be custom added by Workspace Admins.
This article details how Participants can be added to a Workspace and contains the following sections:
- Adding Participants to Workspaces
- Corporate Workspaces
- Public Workspaces
- Private Workspaces
- Employee Groups
- Additional Information
For information about setting up a Workspace and Workspace Content permissions, see: Workspaces Overview.
1. Adding Participants to Workspaces
Participants can be added to a Workspace during its initial set up process, and at any point after that by a Workspace Admin.
When adding a new Workspace, the Participants screen will be displayed during the set up process.
Depending on the Privacy Setting of the Workspace you have set up, the Participant screen enables you to:
- Add or Remove Participants by User or Person (Public and Private Workspaces).
- Add Participants by Employee Groups (Public and Private Workspaces).
- Add or Remove Admin Rights for Users (Corporate, Public and Private Workspaces).

2. Corporate Workspaces
If using a Corporate Workspace, everyone automatically becomes a participant. You cannot leave the Workspace, unless it is deleted by an Admin.

You can add multiple Administrators by User or Person.

3. Public Workspaces
If using a Public Workspace, anyone is able to join and leave the Workspace as they please.

However, participants added via an Employee Group, no longer have the choice to join and leave the Workspace.

4. Private Workspaces
Similar to Public Workspaces, participants can be added via an Employee Group; but they would not get a choice to leave.

However, only the Administrator can add participants to a Private Workspace. This option gives participants the choice to leave the Workspace, but this would result in them being unable to join the Workspace again. They would have to contact the Workspace Administrator in order to rejoin the Workspace.

If you leave a Private Workspace, it will no longer be viewable on the Workspace Dashboard.
5. Employee Groups
When adding an Employee Group to a Workspace, the number of people in that group will be displayed to the Administrator. This number correlates to the number of group members, not the number of users. This is because, if a person has more than one user account, then all their user accounts will be added as participants, but they will still only count as one person in the Employee Group.

When setting up Employee Groups in Administration, there is also a Security tab where you can enable the Employee Group for selected users.

The Security Tab only impacts the Employee Group drop down box in Workspaces. This means it controls who is able to add the Employee Group to a Workspace; it does not show who is a part of that group.

6. Additional Information
Privacy Settings
Making any changes to the Workspace Privacy Settings will not change any of the Employee Groups already added to the Workspace.
The only way this will change is if a Public or Private Workspace is changed to a Corporate Workspace; which does not include Employee Groups as everyone is automatically a participant.

Automatic Refresh
Employee Groups are automatically refreshed every night to keep the group members up-to-date. However, if there is a new hire, they would not appear in the Employee Group until the following day once the refresh job has run.
For example., the hire date is 25/04/2023, they would not appear in the group until 26/04/2023. Same conditions also apply to leavers.

Calendar Vs Workspace Groups
The main difference between Employee Groups in the Calendar and Workspace modules are the use of person data. If an Employee Group is added as a Filter Group to the Calendar, you are able to view all employees that are a part of that group. You can also see personal data such as holidays, sick days etc.

In the Workspace module (as previously stated above) you can only see the number of people that are a part of that Employee Group. You are not able to see any personal data.