Upload & Assign

This process enables you to upload multiple files at a single time and assign them to individual records, which can save you time not having to navigate to individual records.

This article explains how the process works and contains the following sections:

  1. Using the Process
  2. Reading and Signing Documents


  • In order to upload multiple files, the files must have the same extension (e.g. PDF or JPG) and use the same unique identifier (e.g. Person Code) as a filename.

1. Using the Process

Navigate to: Administration >> Documents & E-mails >> Documents

1. Select Add New Documents Kick-off.
2. Click Upload & Assign.
3. Name- Enter a name for the Document Kick-off to make it easier to find the kick-off later.
4. Reference - Enter a short description of the files that you are uploading to make it easy to find the task again later.
5. Document Category - Choose which category you would like the documents to be uploaded to.
6. Track Documents - Choose whether you want employees to mark the documents as read. You can choose a Deadline for this and / or request that the document be signed electronically. (If you have activated more than one Document Tracking & Signing Process Flow, you can also choose which Process Flow to use, from the Process drop-down).
7. Identity Code Used - Choose which code will be used to associate a document with the employee. You can choose from Person Code, Employment ID, Primary Legal Identifier and Specific Legal Identifier.
8. Filename Extension - The type of file (for example PDF or JPG). You don't need to include the "." before the extension.
9. Prefix - If the name of the file has characters other than the Identity Code Used enter the first part. For example, if you were importing payslips for a number of employees, you may call the individual files "Payslip-[Person Code]". In this case, you would type "Payslip-" in the Prefix field because you want the system to ignore the first part of the name.
10. Suffix - If the name of the file has characters other than the Identity Code Used enter the last part. For example, if you were importing payslips for a number of employees, you may call the individual files "[Person Code]-Payslip". In this case, you would type "-Payslip" in the Suffix field because you want the system to ignore the last part of the name.
11. Change Filenames During Upload? - You can choose to leave this option unticked and keep the same filenames or change the names to keep the filenames anonymous.
12. When you are happy with the parameters you have set up, click Save.
Add New Document Kick-off - Employee Handbook and Policies 2024 - Cezanne OnDemand and 13 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge



  • The ability to add and edit document categories and their permissions can be found if you navigate to Administration >> Security Settings >> Document Categories.
13. Once the document kick-off screen loads, click Add Files.
14. Upload the required document(s) using the Drag & Drop feature or by clicking the Upload File or Click Here buttons.
15. Click Close.
Document Kick-off Details - Payslips 02/2024 - Cezanne OnDemand and 13 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge
16. Click Start to assign documents to employees.


  • Documents can be any file type but cannot be bigger than 50MB - Error 5006800.

2. Reading and Signing Documents

If you have chosen to track the document, employees will be required to read and, if configured, electronically sign the document.

For more information, see: Reading and Signing Documents.