Setting up a Clock In / Out Plan

A Clock In / Clock Out Plan allows you to:

  • Record information about an employee's Clock In / Out record (e.g. Location / IP Address).
  • Configure settings for employees/managers to manage their own or subordinates Clock In / Out records.
  • Set Exception Rules that control employees Clocking In / Out times.

This article shows how to set up a Clock In / Clock Out Plan and contains the following sections:

  1. Add New Timesheet Plan Type
  2. Exceptions Tab

1. Add New Timesheet Plan Type

To add a new Clock In / Clock Out Plan, navigate to:  Administration >> Time >> Timesheet Plan Types >> Add New Plan Type.

1. Type the Name.
2. Choose Clock In / Clock Out as the  Timesheet Format.
3. Enter the Timezone.
4. Configure the following settings:
Setting Description
Record Geolocation When ticked, the geolocation of the employee's device used to clock in/out is recorded.
Regardless of this setting, if location services are turned off on the employee's device, the geolocation cannot be tracked.
Record IP Address When ticked, the IP address of the employee's device used to clock in/out is recorded.
Enable Clock In / Out Button on Desktop Top Bar When ticked, employees can automatically clock in / out from a button on their Desktop Bar.
Enable Clock In / Out Button on Mobile App When ticked, employees can automatically clock in / out from a button on their Mobile App.
Employees can manually add and edit Clock In / Out records When ticked, employees will be able to add or edit their own records manually from the Clock In / Clock Out screen, however, this does not change the original record.
Line Managers can add and edit subordinates' Clock In / Out records When ticked, Line Managers will be able to add or edit their subordinates records, however, this does not change the original clock in or out record.
Auto-Archive Exceptions after (Days) Will automatically Archive (approve) a pending and information Exception raised for a Clock In / Out record after X number of days.
5. Click Save.

2. Exceptions Tab

Exceptions can be raised to notify HR Professionals or Managers if an employee's Clock In / Out record breaks any of the rules. Depending on the type of exception, this may require approval.

After the Clock In / Clock Out Plan's details have been set up, navigate to the Exceptions tab where the following parameters can be enabled for a Clock In / Clock Out Plan:

  • No Clock In Recorded
  • No Clock Out Recorded
  • Clock In / Out Manually Added or Edited by Employee
  • Clock In on a Non-Working Day
  • Different Time Zones
  • Device Time Tolerance (Minutes)
  • Clock In - Earliest Time
  • Clock In Latest Time
  • Clock Out -Earliest Time
  • Clock Out - Latest Time
  • Minimum Hours / Maximum Hours

For more detailed information about these exception rules, see: Clock In / Clock Out Exceptions.

  1. Click on the Exception.
  2. Enter parameter (if required).
  3. Tick Enabled.
  4. Click Save & Close.