A Clock In / Clock Out Plan allows you to:
- Record information about an employee's Clock In / Out record (e.g. Location / IP Address).
- Configure settings for employees/managers to manage their own or subordinates Clock In / Out records.
- Set Exception Rules that control employees Clocking In / Out times.
This article shows how to set up a Clock In / Clock Out Plan and contains the following sections:
1. Add New Timesheet Plan Type
To add a new Clock In / Clock Out Plan, navigate to: Administration >> Time >> Timesheet Plan Types >> Add New Plan Type.
1. Type the Name.
2. Choose Clock In / Clock Out as the Timesheet Format.
3. Enter the Timezone.
4. Configure the following settings:
5. Click Save.
2. Exceptions Tab
Exceptions can be raised to notify HR Professionals or Managers if an employee's Clock In / Out record breaks any of the rules. Depending on the type of exception, this may require approval.
After the Clock In / Clock Out Plan's details have been set up, navigate to the Exceptions tab where the following parameters can be enabled for a Clock In / Clock Out Plan:
- No Clock In Recorded
- No Clock Out Recorded
- Clock In / Out Manually Added or Edited by Employee
- Clock In on a Non-Working Day
- Different Time Zones
- Device Time Tolerance (Minutes)
- Clock In - Earliest Time
- Clock In Latest Time
- Clock Out -Earliest Time
- Clock Out - Latest Time
- Minimum Hours / Maximum Hours
For more detailed information about these exception rules, see: Clock In / Clock Out Exceptions.
- Click on the Exception.
- Enter parameter (if required).
- Tick Enabled.
- Click Save & Close.