Clock In / Out Exceptions

To help track and monitor attendance, Exception rules can be enabled on a Clock In / Clock Out plan. If these rules are broken, for example, an employee fails to Clock In / Out, an exception will be raised to HR Professionals and Line Managers who have been given access to the Clock In / Out Exceptions screen. 

For more information on how to set up Exception rules see: Setting Up a Clock In / Clock Out Plan.

This article explains the available Exception Rules and how to manage any exceptions raised.

It contains the following sections:

  1. Available Exceptions Rules
  2. Clock In / Out Exceptions Screen

1. Available Exceptions Rules

Exception Rule Description
No Clock In Recorded If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee did not clock in the previous day.
Note: This Exception Rule uses an employee's Working Time Pattern and can detect whether any time has been entered on a day when the employee is supposed to work.
No Clock Out Recorded If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee clocked in but did not clock out the previous day.
Clock In on a Non-working Day If enabled, raises an exception if an employee clocks in on a day they are not scheduled to work at all; either because it is a Non-active day or there is an Absence / Bank Holiday.
Clock In / Out Record Manually Added or Edited by Employee If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee adds or edits a Clock In / Out record from the Clock In / Out screen.
Note: Employees can only add or edit their own Clock In / Out records if the 'Employees can manually add and edit Clock In / Out records' is ticked.
Different Time Zones If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee clocks in and then out in different time zones.
Clock In - Earliest Time If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee clocks in before a set time.
Device Time Tolerance (minutes) If enabled, raises an exception if the time on a computer / device used to Clock In / Out is greater or less than the specified tolerance minutes, when compared to UTC Time. (Time Zones are accounted for, and an exception is not raised if a record is manually added / updated from the Clock In / Out screen).
Clock In - Latest Time If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee clocks in after a set time.
Clock Out -Earliest Time If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee clocks out before a set time.
Clock Out - Latest Time If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee clocks out after a set time.
Min/Max Hours Spent on Default Activity If enabled, raises an Exception if an Employee's total hours of a Clock In / Out record are less than a set minimum or greater than a set maximum.

2. Clock In / Out Exceptions Screen

Clock In / Out records that break enabled Exception rules will be raised on the Exceptions Screen. If the screen has been turned ON in the security role permissions, navigate to: Reviews >> Clock In / Out Exceptions.

1. View/Edit Exception button. For more information, see: View & Edit.
2. The Status column displays the status of the Clock In Clock Out record. There are 4 status':
  Status Description
Pending Pending Exception are only created when an employee manually Clocks In / Out for themselves using the Clock In / Out screen (not using the Desktop Top Bar Button or Tablet App). Pending exceptions can be Archived or Rejected.
Information Information Exception are created whenever an employee Clocks In / Out and breaks an exception rule, regardless of how they clocked in / out. Information records can only be Archived.
Archived Any exceptions that have been Archived manually or automatically.

Rejected A Pending Exception that has been rejected. If an employee has not yet updated a rejected record, it will display in Red. If an employee has updated a rejected record, it will display in grey.
3. Archive / Reject buttons.
4. Filter Exceptions by Employee Name.
5. Filter Exceptions by Status. 'Pending and Information' Exceptions are displayed by default.

View & Edit

To view and edit a Clock In / Out Record from an Exception:

  1. Click on the Pencil Icon to view the Clock In / Clock Out Record.
  2. The Clock in / Out record can be edited from the Current Details section.
  3. Click Archive/Reject (optional).


  • Editing a Clock In / Out record from the Exceptions Screen will not archive or reject, this must be done manually.
  • Editing a Clock In / Out record from the Exceptions Screen will not raise any Exceptions.

There are 3 different sections on an Exception record:

Section Description
Clock In / Out: At Time of Exception (Read-only) Displays the Time, Date and Timezone information at the time the Exception was raised.
Clock In / Out: Current Details (Editable) Displays the Clock In / Out record's current Time, Date and Timezone information.
Clock In / Out: Original Details

(Read-only) Displays Time, Date and Timezone information of the first Clock In and first Clock Out, so there is a history if the record is changed.

This section also records: Timesheet Plan Type, Added By, Device, Geolocation and IP Address.

Manually Archive an Exception

Archiving an exception signifies that you accept the time the employee has clocked in as true even though it has broken a rule.

  • To Archive, click on the tick.


  • Archiving a Pending exception will also archive all related Information exceptions, except for Did Not Clock In exceptions.
  • Archiving an Information exception will only archive that exception.
  • To view all the archived exceptions, change the display by status to Archived:

For more information on when an exception can be raised or archived, see: Raising and Archiving Exceptions.

Reject a Pending Exception

Rejecting an Exception signifies that you do not accept a Clock In / Out time, for example, if an employee manually enters the incorrect time and this breaks an Exception rule the exception can be rejected.


  • Rejecting a Pending exception will also archive all related Information exceptions, except for Did Not Clock In exceptions.
  • Rejected an Information exception will only reject that exception.

To reject an exception:

  1. Click on the 'X'.
  2. Enter a Rejection Comment.
  3. Click Save.

The Rejection and Rejection Comment will appear on the Clock In / Out record:


  • Any comments entered on the Exception record will display as a Rejection comment to the employee if the Exception is rejected.
  • A notification can be set up, to notify users when a Clock In / Clock Out record is rejected. For more information, see: Rejected Clock In / Clock Out Exception Notification.