Timesheet Overview

Timesheets are designed to record the time that employees spend on different activities each day within your organisation, which can then be managed by HR all in one place.

Other key benefits include:

  • Configurable timesheets for recording time.
  • Configurable Timesheet Authorisation process.
  • Displays an employee's absences, working time pattern and calendar details.
  • The ability to search and report on employee's timesheets.
  • The ability to link with Percentage-based Absence plans to calculate holiday entitlement (available with the Absence Module).

This guide introduces the key components that must be set up to enable an employee's time to be recorded in Cezanne and contains the following sections:

  1. Timesheets: Duration and Time In / Time Out
  2. Time Types
  3. Projects and Activities
  4. Time Module Checklist

1. Timesheets: Duration and Time In / Time Out

A Timesheet is the main screen that is used to record the amount of time an employee has spent on different activities each week.

There are two timesheet formats available within Cezanne:

  • Duration - enables employees to enter the amount of hours they spent working on different activities each day.
  • Time In / Time Out - enables employees to enter the times that they started and finished activities each day.

As a result of this difference, the Timesheet Format also affects how the timesheet looks:


  1. Time for each activity is recorded in hours (as a decimal value).
  2. Activities are grouped by Time Type and ordered alphabetically.
  3. A full week is displayed on the Timesheet.
  4. Weekly totals are displayed for individual Activities and also for each Time Type.
  5. Overall totals are displayed for each day and the week as a whole.


  • Hours have to be entered as a decimal (to 2 decimal places). However, there is an option to restrict this so that Time must be entered to the nearest quarter of an hour, e.g:
    • 1 Hour 15 Minutes = 1.25
    • 1 Hour 30 Minutes = 1.50
    • 1 Hour 45 Minutes = 1.75

Time In / Time Out

  1. Time is recorded by entering Start and End Times for each activity.
  2. Activities are ordered by Start Time ascending.
  3. The full week is available but each day is displayed separately. Click to view and enter activities on a particular day (Monday is selected above).
  4. The daily total is displayed for all Activities.
  5. Overall total time displayed for week.


  • The smallest amount of time that can be recorded is 1 minute, e.g. Start Time = 09:00, End Time = 09:01.

2. Time Types

A Time Type is a way of classifying different activities on the Timesheet, e.g:

  • Standard Work Time
  • Overtime
  • Travel

Time Types can be useful for organising the Timesheet into different sections. For example, if you wanted to record when employees work more than their standard hours you could create a 'Standard Work' and 'Overtime' Time type. Employees can then enter their standard hours in one section and any overtime in a separate section (as in the screenshot below).


  • Although the screenshot above shows a Duration timesheet, Time Types can be used with both Timesheet Formats.
  • If you choose to 'Validate the Timesheet against an Employee's Working Time Pattern', Time Types allow you to decide which activities will be included in the Standard Hours calculation. For more information, see: Validate Timesheet against Employee's Working Time Pattern.

3. Projects and Activities

Time is recorded on a timesheet within Cezanne by using Projects and Activities.

  • A Project is a collection of required Activities.
  • An Activity is what an employee does within a Project.
    • Activities do not exist independently and must be added as part of a Project.
    • If you want to add an Activity with the same name to different Projects, it will need to be added separately to each Project.
3. Projects and Activities


  • Although the screenshot above shows a Duration timesheet, Projects and Activities are used on both Timesheet Formats.
  • In order to use a timesheet, at least one Project with one Activity is required (More information provided below).

4. Time Module Checklist

1. Picklists

To begin setting up the Time module, we recommend editing the relevant Time Recording picklists.

Navigate to: Administration >> Other >> Picklists >> Time Recording. The available picklists that should be set up are:

  • Timesheet Time Types.
  • Timesheet Status.
  • Timesheet Activity Types.


  • You can set up Activity Types and assign activities to them. They can be useful for reporting on when you want to include time spent across multiple projects, e.g. if all your projects include a common generic set of activities, you could use Activity Type to help you report on the time spent across all projects on these activities.
  • You could also set up a Activity Types for an attribute that you want to report on e.g. Billable time versus Non-Billable time.

For more information about setting up the picklists, see: Time Types.

2. Plan Types

A Timesheet Plan Type must be set up for each plan that you want to use. Once employees are enrolled on a Timesheet Plan Type, they will be able to add Timesheets.

To set up a Timesheet Plan Type, navigate to: Administration >> Time.

  • Click Add New Timesheet Plan Type at the top of the page.
  • This will open up the Add New Plan Type Screen:

3. Linking Absences and Time Module

This option can only be used if you have both the Time and Absences modules and if an employee is enrolled on a Percentage-based absence plan. It gives the ability to link a Timesheet Plan to an Percentage-based Absence Plan in order to automatically record employees' Time Worked and calculate their holiday entitlement from this.

To link the Absence and Time module, tick Link with Absence Time Worked when setting up your Plan Type:

For more information, see: Linking Absences and Time Module.

4. Projects and Activities

Next, create Projects and enter the dates that they are effective for. You can then add the relevant Activities to these Projects.

To do this, navigate to: Administration >> Time >> Projects.

  • Click Add New Project at the top of the page:
  • This will open the screen below:
  1. First fill in the Project Details.
  2. Add Project Activities.


  • If you only use one project or are just recording the times that employees start and finish each day, you could set up a single project named after your company and then, inside that project, a single activity called 'Time Worked'.

For more information on setting up Projects and Activities, see: Projects and Activities.

5. Enrol Employees on Plans

There are two ways to enrol employees:

  1. Manual Enrolment - by enrolling individual employees to Plan Types using the Timesheet Plans screen.
  2. Data Import - using the Timesheet Plan Enrolment by Employee import.

To manually enrol employees, navigate to: People >> Select a Person >> Time Recording >> Timesheet Plans:

4. Enrol Employees on Plans
  • Input the Effective From and Effective To dates.
  • Select the Plan Name from the picklist.
  • Click Save and Close.

Repeat this for each employee you want to enrol on a plan.

For more information about using data imports, see Importing Data.

6. Assign Activities to Employees

When using the module you can choose whether employees have:

  • All Projects and Activities available to select.


  • A restricted list of Projects and Activities available to select.
5. Assign Activities to Employees


  • A benefit of restricting is that you can keep the list of available Activities shorter, making it quicker for employees to find Projects / Activities that are relevant to them.

7. Working Time Patterns and Calendars

If you haven't purchased Absences, Working Time Patterns and Calendars are optional. However, the benefits of your employees having Working Time Pattern and Calendar records when using the Time Module are that the following are reflected on the Timesheet:

  • Working and Non-working hours.
  • Bank Holidays.
6. Working Time Patterns and Calendars

8. Timesheet Authorisation Process

To enable employees to enter activities on a timesheet, you must activate the Timesheet Authorisation Process. This process enables an employee's timesheet to be approved / changed by their supervisor (or another reviewer) once it has been submitted. You will need to ensure that any employees, who need to enter or approve timesheets, have an active user account.

For more information about activating this process, see: Timesheet Authorisation Process.

Administration >> Setup & Security >> Processes

7. Timesheet Authorisation Process


  • Once this process has been activated, if your plans have been set up to automatically create a task for enrolled employees, there is nothing else that needs to be configured for your employees to start receiving and completing their timesheets.
    • When a new employee is enrolled on a plan (depending on the time they are enrolled), their first timesheet and task will be automatically created by the end of that day or the next morning.
    • Employees will then receive a new task and timesheet every Monday morning.
  • If your plans have not been set up to automatically create a task for enrolled employees, timesheets will need to be added manually by employees or an HR Professional. For more information, see the 'Creation of Employee Timesheets' section in either of the following articles:

9. Leaver Process

An employee's Timesheet Plans and Timesheet Activities screens are available in the Leaver Process. If you are activating the Leaver Process you can decide whether you want to include these screens or not.


  • Any Leaver Processes that were activated prior to the release of the Time Module will need to be terminated and re-activated if you want these screens to be included.