Setting up a Time In / Time Out Plan

The Time In / Time Out Timesheet Format enables employees to enter the time that they started and finished a particular activity on each day of the week. This article shows how to set up a Time In / Time Out Timesheet Plan and contains the following sections:

  1. Add a New Timesheet Plan Type
  2. Supported Time Types Tab
  3. Enrolling an Employee
  4. Creation of Employee Timesheets
  5. Adding Activities to a 'Time In / Time Out' Timesheet
  6. Comments, Bank Holidays and Absences

1. Add a New Timesheet Plan Type

Navigate to: Administration >> Time

1. Click on Add New Plan Type
2. Enter a name for the Timesheet Plan (This will be displayed on the task and within the process).
3. Choose 'Time In / Time Out' from the Timesheet Format drop-down.
4. Select whether to Validate Timesheet against Employee's Working Time Pattern. If you check this tick-box, the amount of scheduled hours for a day will display on the Timesheet (in yellow) and will be validated as employees enter their Activities. This will help employees ensure they have entered all of their time correctly. When the total recorded Standard Time (Standard + Absence) for a day equals the scheduled hours, the circle will show 00:00 (in green).



  • If this option is not ticked, timesheets will still display Non-working days and Bank Holidays.
  • Once you have ticked this option, remember to select which Time Types you want to include in your Standard Hours using the Supported Time Types Tab.
5. Select whether to Prevent Time and Absence on Same Day. This option prevents Time being entered on any day where there is an absence and prevents an absence being added any day where Time has been entered. For more information, see: Prevent Time and Absence on Same Day.
6. Select whether to Allow 'Copy a Previous Week'. This option allows you to copy one of the previous 4 week's time, activities and comments to another week. For more information, see: Allow 'Copy a Previous Week'.
7. Select whether to Split Weekly Timesheets for Monthly Recording. This option enables recording to be completed at the end of the month rather than having to wait until the end of the week in which the last day of the month falls in to submit the timesheet. For more information, see: Split Weekly Timesheets for Monthly Recording.
8. Select whether to Link with Absence Time Worked. This option allows you to link timesheets to absences to automatically create Time Worked records and calculate holiday entitlement. For more information, see: Linking Absences and Time Modules.


  • Link with Absence Time Worked is only available for employees enrolled on a Percentage-Based Absence Plan.
9. Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets. This option is ticked by default and allows Line Managers to edit their subordinates' timesheets outside of a workflow process. For more information, see: Line Managers Can Edit Subordinate Timesheets.
10. Set up the Automatic Task Settings:
    • Automatically create a task for enrolled employees - ticking this will create a new task in an employee's inbox every week.
    • Send an e-mail to employee when task is automatically created - ticking this will send an e-mail to notify when the task is created (this can only be used if the Automatically create a task for enrolled employees box is ticked).

2. Supported Time Types Tab

If you have selected to validate the timesheet against the employee's working time pattern in the Details tab, you will need to select which Time Types to Include in Standard Work Time.

For more information, see: Time Types.

3. Enrolling an Employee

Navigate to: People >> Search for a Person >> Time Recording >> Timesheet Plans.

  1. Click Add New.
  2. Select the Effective From date from the calendar lookup.
  3. Choose the Time In / Time Out Plan that you have set up. (The Timesheet Format will be filled in automatically).
  4. Click Save and Close. The employee will be enrolled on the plan.

4. Creation of Employee Timesheets

Whether timesheets are created automatically or manually, you must make sure that all employees who need to enter or approve timesheets have an active user account.

Timesheet Automatically Created

If your plans have been set up to Automatically create a task for enrolled employees and you have the Timesheet Authorisation Process activated:

  • A timesheet task is created in an enrolled employee's inbox every Monday morning.
  • When a new employee is enrolled on a plan (depending on the time they are enrolled), their first timesheet and task will be automatically created by the end of that day or the next morning.

Task in Employee's Inbox:

Timesheet Authorisation Process:

Timesheet Manually Created

If your plans have not been set up to Automatically create a task for enrolled employees and you have the Timesheet Authorisation Process activated, their timesheets must be created manually by themselves, their line manager or an HR Professional.


  • Even if your plans have been set up to Automatically create a task for enrolled employees, timesheets can still be created manually if required.

To create Timesheets manually:

  • An Employee should navigate to: My Self >> Time Recording >> Timesheets.
  • A Line Manager should navigate to: My Team >> Time Recording >> Timesheets.
  • An HR Professional should navigate to: People >> Search for a Person >> Time Recording >> Timesheets.
1. Select Add Timesheet.
2. On the Select Timesheet Period pop-up, select a week using the Calendar lookup.


  • A Timesheet must always start on a Monday. If you select a date that is not a Monday, the previous Monday will automatically be selected as the start date for that week.
3. Timesheet Authorisation Process:


  • Regardless of whether a Timesheet is automatically or manually created, an Employee can Unsubmit a submitted Timesheet, as long as it has not yet been signed off (or submitted to a further stage in the process) via their Timesheets screen.

5. Adding Activities to a 'Time In / Time Out' Timesheet

To add activities to the Timesheet:

1. Select Add New.
2. Click the Manage Activities button.
3. Select which Available Activities to add to the timesheet.
4. Add a Timesheet Entry by selecting the Project, Activity and Time Type from the drop-downs and clicking Add & Close.


  • Start / End Times and Comments can be entered on either the Add Timesheet Entry pop-up or the Timesheet itself.
  • You can enter times without a colon by typing the numbers and clicking away from the Start or End boxes. For example, you can enter 3:45pm by typing '1545' and clicking away. Then it will be reformatted as 15:45 automatically.
5. The Activity is added to the Timesheet:

6. Comments, Bank Holidays and Absences  


To add comments to the Time In / Time Out timesheet:

  1. Select the icon next to the Start Time of any activity.
  2. Enter your comments in the box.
  3. Click away to save the comment.


  • When a comment is entered the comment icon will change colour to green.

Bank Holidays

A Bank Holiday icon will appear on any days which are set as Bank Holidays in an employee's calendar and an activity will automatically be added to that day called "Bank Holiday Full Day".

Bank Holidays


In the Time In / Time Out timesheet, any absences appear at the bottom of the timesheet underneath all activities. The Absence has the Plan Type name listed with the Start and End Time of each half day of absence automatically entered into the box for that day (as shown below):



  • The Absence section of the timesheet is read-only.