Organisation Dashboard

This article lists the available widgets on the Organisation dashboard and includes links to further information on each widget.

Widget Description
FTE Headcount by Org Unit Sum of all active full-time equivalent employees within your organisation at the current date, grouped by the employees' primary deployment Org Unit Code.
FTE Headcount by Year Average number of active full-time equivalent employees within your organisation for the current and the previous two years.
Headcount by Contract Qualification Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their national contract qualification.
Headcount by Cost Centre Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary Cost Centre Name.
Headcount by Location Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary Location Name.
Headcount by Org Unit Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date, grouped by the employees' primary deployment Org Unit Code.
Headcount by Org Unit Functional Area Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary deployment Org Unit's Functional Area.
Headcount by Position Functional Area Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary deployment Position's Functional Area.
Headcount by Standard Job Class Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary Job deployment's Standard Job class.
Headcount by Year Average number of active employees within your organisation for the current and previous two years.
Headcounts Current number of active and full-time equivalent employees within your organisation at the current time.
Job Searches Default and saved Job searches.
Org Unit Searches Default and saved Org Unit searches.
Organisation Counts Displays all the main entity types available within the Organisational area, and for each one, shows the number of entities valid at the current date.
People Searches Default and saved People searches.
Position Searches Default and saved Position searches.
Turnover Information of hires and terminations in your organisation in the current year.
Workforce Demographics Information on workforce analytics including average age, percentage of females and percentage of permanent employees.