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Home Dashboard
This article lists the available widgets on the Home dashboard and includes links to further information on each widget.
Widget | Description |
Absence % (Current Year) | The percentage of total available time within your organisation that has been taken as absence in the current calendar year (Jan-Dec). The scheduled number of hours per week on the employee's Working Time Pattern is required to calculate the workforce's available working time. |
Absence Plan Searches | Default and saved Absence Plan searches. |
Absence Searches | Default and saved Absence searches. |
Absences by Reason (Current Year) | Number and percentage of absences within your organisation, grouped by absence reason. |
Custom Message | This widget allows you to displays text / images using a rich-text field. |
FTE Headcount by Org Unit | Sum of all active full-time equivalent employees within your organisation at the current date, grouped by the employees' primary deployment Org Unit Code. |
FTE Headcount by Year | Average number of active full-time equivalent employees within your organisation for the current and the previous two years. |
Headcount by Contract Qualification | Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their national contract qualification. |
Headcount by Cost Centre | Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary Cost Centre Name. |
Headcount by Location | Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary Location Name. |
Headcount by Org Unit | Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date, grouped by the employees' primary deployment Org Unit Code. |
Headcount by Org Unit Functional Area | Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary deployment Org Unit's Functional Area. |
Headcount by Position Functional Area | Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary deployment Position's Functional Area. |
Headcount by Standard Job Class | Sum of all active employees within your organisation at the current date grouped by their primary Job deployment's Standard Job class. |
Headcount by Year | Average number of active employees within your organisation for the current and previous two years. |
Headcounts | Current number of active and full-time equivalent employees within your organisation at the current time. |
Job Searches | Default and saved Job searches. |
Key Competencies Average Score | Average Score of Key Competencies (those marked as "must be scored"). |
Monthly Trend of Absence % (Current Year) | The percentage of total available time within your organisation that has been taken as absence per month, for the current calendar year (Jan-Dec). |
My Absences Summary | Displays the total time taken for all your absence plans and the remaining entitlement for your accruable plans. |
My Participation in Performance Processes | Lists the performance processes where I am a participant. |
Number of Sick Employees by Year | The total number of employees within your organisation who have been sick in the current and previous two years. |
Number of Sickness Events by Year | The total number of sickness events within your organisation in the current and previous two years. |
Objective Achievement % Distribution | No. of Objectives reviewed, grouped by their Target % achieved. |
Objectives Assigned and Scored | The percentage of total available time within your organisation that has been taken as absence per month, for the current calendar year (Jan-Dec). |
Org Unit Searches | Default and saved Org Unit searches. |
Organisation Counts | Displays all the main entity types available within the Organisational area, and for each one, shows the number of entities valid at the current date. |
People Searches | Default and saved People searches. |
Performance Process Counts | Counts of the active and closed process flows and processes within the performance category. |
Performance Setup | Performance Setup. |
Position Searches | Default and saved Position searches. |
Quick Actions | Contains quick links to different sections of the system and external integrations. |
Running Performance Processes by Stage | Proportion of Performance Processes by their Current Stage. |
Sickness | A summary of all the Sickness Analytics at the current point in time. |
Tasks | Displays workflow tasks for the current user. |
Today's Absences | Number of absentees within your organisation today, grouped by absence category. |
Turnover | Information of hires and terminations in your organisation in the current year. |
Video Embed | This widget allows you to embed a video (or any other iframe) onto a Dashboard. However, you can also use it to embed other types of content, such as a social media feed. |
Workforce Demographics | Information on workforce analytics including average age, percentage of females and percentage of permanent employees. |
Working Time Lost Due to Sickness by Weekday (Calendar Year) | The number of working time units (e.g. Days) lost due to sickness within your organisation for each day of the week (Mon to Sun) in the calendar year, for the current year. |
Working Time Lost Due to Sickness by Weekday (Rolling Year) | The number of working time units (e.g. Days) lost due to sickness within your organisation for each day of the week (Mon to Sun) in the rolling year, for the 12 months prior to and including the current date. |
Workspace Feed | Posts in your Workspace Activity Feed. |
Yearly Working Time Lost to Sickness | The total amount of working time lost in days due to sickness within your organisation in the current and previous two years. |